Freya's Freedom (The Tower and the Eye Book 3)

Freya's Freedom (The Tower and the Eye Book 3) by Kira Morgana Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Freya's Freedom (The Tower and the Eye Book 3) by Kira Morgana Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kira Morgana
wasn’t the Urakh's voice.
    “Vox?” Freya whispered.
    “In Kraarz’ flesh, indeed it is me. You are even more beautiful in the physical realm than your soul is in the Otherworld.” Vox/Kraarz winked.
    Freya was speechless.
    “So the Paladin is telling the truth. Excellent. What of Sir Grald?” Lin asked. “Did he really just arrive at the right moment?”
    “That is the truth, Lin, but all else is lies. He has made a pact with the Dark Gods.” Vox/Kraarz told her. “Freya, you must leave here immediately.”
    I can’t believe that. My brother is good! Freya shook her head.
    “I will not leave my brother’s side.
    “I shall remain with you then. You are far more important than you realise, or Calliale would not be trying to protect you,” Vox/Kraarz said. “Look for my arrival tomorrow morning.”
    Kraarz closed his eyes again and when he opened them, it was to reveal his normal white ones. “What did my friend say?”
    Lin quickly related the conversation.
    “I see.” He sighed. “I do hate it when Vox does this. He always manages to hinder more than he helps.”
    “Well, I’m going to have a bath and go to bed.” Freya stood up.
    Lin stood quickly. “I have sworn to serve you and serve you I shall. A bath sounds like a wonderful idea.”
    Kraarz laughed.
    “If you two are going to retire, then I will also. I fear that without your positive presence in the room, I may be in danger.”
    The three of them headed for the stairs.
    Grald was in the process of coming down.
    “Going to bed already, Freya? I was hoping to catch up with you. I have lots of news.”
    “I’m tired and I need a bath. Lin and I are sharing a room, so I will be perfectly safe with her.” Freya smiled, stood on her tiptoes and kissed Grald’s cheek. “I will see you in the morning. Good night, Graldai.”
    * * *
    “You humans take forever to wake up.” A small voice by Freya’s ear shocked her into wakefulness.
    She turned her head to find a small, silver-furred Flixen cub with emerald green eyes curled on the pillow beside her. “Vox?”
    “How many Flixen do you know that talk?” the cub licked her cheek with its pale pink tongue. “It’s four hours after dawn.”
    Freya yawned, covering her mouth with her hand. If it weren’t for those tiny little wings, Vox might get mistaken for a kitten. O’course, Flixen aren’t exactly well known animals outside of Elysia, but I’m not sure where I’ve seen them either. The gap in her memory made her frown as she sat up.
    “Time for breakfast then.” She pushed back the covers and swung her feet around. Lin wasn’t in the room, but her bed had been made. “Lin must be downstairs.”
    The Flixen watched while she washed.
    “You have a definite resemblance to your father and your mother’s shape is far more appealing on you than it was on her.”
    Freya ignored the comments.
    “Do you want me to call you by name?”
    “You might as well. Lin and Kraarz will know who I am, but your brother and that blind Paladin who insists on protecting you, won’t.” Vox stood up and stretched like a cat. “By the way, Korettln is feeling rather lonely. How about we go for a ride this morning?”
    Freya smiled.
    “I can’t see why not. After all I have two heroes, an Urakh Shaman and an elite Elysian warrior to protect me.” She pulled out one of the riding dresses she’d bought in Jiren and slipped into it, smoothing the tight bodice over her toned abdomen. “Would you like me to carry you?”
    Vox turned a somersault.
    “That would be wonderful. This creature form may have wings, but until the body matures, I can’t fly.”
    Freya finished dressing quickly and swung a thick woollen cloak around her shoulders before she held her hands out. The fox-eared animal jumped into them and scrambled up her arm, the tiny cat-claws gripping the thick woollen material until it reached Freya’s shoulder.
    “Thank you,” Vox purred into Freya’s ear, swiping its bushy tail up

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