Friend Me

Friend Me by John Faubion Read Free Book Online

Book: Friend Me by John Faubion Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Faubion
Archer account. Whatever else you’re working on, I want you to set it aside—give it to Patricia or someone else—and give a hundred and ten percent of your attention to this single item. We don’t have a more important client than Gleason Archer.”
    â€œMr. Castle, I don’t want you to think I haven’t been workinghard and doing my best. I really have. But sometimes the markets are up and sometimes they’re down.”
    â€œI understand, Scott. I’m saying that’s not the issue. I know you work hard, but the fallout from having an unhappy client like Gleason Archer could be catastrophic to our business. It’s not about whether his portfolio is up or down. It’s what he says about us to others. You may be managing his portfolio in such a way that by the end of the year he’ll be ecstatic. It doesn’t matter right now. What does matter is that he’s currently unhappy, and we have to do something about it. More to the point, you personally have to do something about it.”
    â€œWhen I started with the Archer account we agreed on the investment strategy. I’m following that to the letter. I don’t know what else to do.”
    â€œI’m not disputing that. This is more than strategy.” He looked directly into Scott’s eyes. “There are a lot of people in the office outside this door who depend upon you and me doing our very best jobs. Neither of us is indispensable.” He arched an eyebrow. “I think you know what I’m telling you. Now get out there and do the exceptional. Step out of your box and use your imagination.” Castle stood and extended his hand to Scott.
    Scott took the older man’s hand, shook it uneasily. Clear enough. My job is on the line .
    He returned to his cubicle, walking on legs that wobbled. It seemed as if every eye in the office was upon him.
    Carole Turner, who had started as an investment counselor just a few months before Scott, stopped by his cube. “You look worried. Is everything all right? Anything I can do?”
    â€œSorry, Carole. Didn’t know it showed. No, I’m okay. Nothing a little more effort won’t cure.” He gave her a sidewaysgrin. “Got to work hard and feed all those hungry kids I’ve got.”
    She didn’t smile in return, but stood looking at him, as if evaluating his honesty. Then she spun around and walked off, leaving him feeling even more uncomfortable as he returned to his work. It wasn’t her business, anyway.
    It took Scott half an hour to reorganize his desktop, setting everything aside except for the Gleason Archer account.
    He had a family that depended upon him. The prospect, the very thought, of having to tell Rachel he’d been fired filled him with dismay. He would not let it happen.
    By three o’clock he had completed his initial review and needed a break. There was no way in the world he was going to have time to leave the office for a walk or even to get a few minutes of fresh air. He clicked on the icon to bring up his Internet browser.
    News? Politics? More stress. He needed something else; some kind of an outlet.
    He wanted to call Rachel, but making a personal phone call at this time would just invite criticism given the current climate in the busy office. He sure would like to hear her voice now. Rachel. He had treated her badly this morning. Just grabbed his coffee—which she had set out for him—and took off without so much as a simple good-bye. And last night? He’d not told her that all he’d done was sit alone in a movie theater, even though he knew she was fearing much worse. He had wanted her to think about how he should be treated.
    Selfish. He was acting selfish. He’d make it right. This wasn’t the kind of man he wanted to be. But right now there was work to do.
    He looked back at the Archer account. There wasn’t much he could do to improve it. It was a solid,

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