
FriendlySeduction by Gillian Archer Read Free Book Online

Book: FriendlySeduction by Gillian Archer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gillian Archer
revelation. They had done it and she hadn’t known. She thought the three
of them had a close relationship. They shared practically everything. How could
they have hid that they were in a…she didn’t even know what to call it… A
polygamous affair? A ménage? A three-way relationship?
    “When?” she croaked.
    Marc glared at Rob.
    “Just after graduation.” Marc ducked his head and avoided
their gazes.
    “What he meant to say is, we did it once after graduation
with a girl Marc was seeing.”
    “So that’s what happened in Cabo?” Her mind whirled as she
remembered that time six years ago.
    To celebrate graduation, the guys vacationed in Mexico with
a few friends. She couldn’t attend due to lack of funds, plus her mother
threatened to throw her out if she went. Slumber parties with guys were a huge
no-no. Even if she had been over eighteen.
    A tingling sensation swept over her scalp as she remembered
just who Marc had been dating at that time. “With Bethany ?”
    Marc nodded, suddenly mute.
    It figured. Of anyone, it had to be Bethany. The bane
of her existence in high school. One of the golden crowd who thought they lived
better lives compared to little people like her. Truth be told, she was still a
tiny bit pissed Marc had even dated the witch. That tiny bit grew in light of
this new information.
    Marc squeezed his way in to sit between her and the stack of
pillows behind her then pulled her close to him. “You more than anyone have to
understand we had sex lives before you—before this. Before we thought about you
this way… I, uh, damn it. You know what I mean.”
    She turned slightly to look at his face. She had never seen
Marc so flustered. Smooth-talking, sexy-as-hell Marc was flustered over her.
Sara was bowled over by the thought. Now she just had to wipe away the vision
of Bethany sandwiched between her guys.
    “I’ll forgive you on one condition.”
    “Dude, you’re giving away the farm before the bidding has
even started,” Rob said in disgust from his perch at the foot of the bed.
    “It’s my farm.”
    “Hey, I’m in this relationship too.”
    “Guys? Guys! Half-naked chick in bed and kind of pissed at
you here, remember?”
    “Sorry.” Marc squeezed her shoulder.
    Sara’s lips quirked at their mumbled replies. Good to know
some things never changed. They still loved to get under each other’s skin. Now
if only she could see said skin… “Anyway, my condition—I think you need to kiss
it and make it better.”
    Sara had to hold back a laugh at Marc’s expression. He
stared at her as if he didn’t understand English. He slowly started to lean
toward her, staring at her face as if he was afraid she’d change her mind. As
    Finally his mouth covered hers. The kiss started out gentle,
Marc’s lips moved softly over her. No hunger, no urgent need to brand her as
his. The striking contrast between last night’s harsh, urgent kiss and this
gentle, probing one was astounding. But still nice. And yet she found herself
missing the grinding need that captured her before with Marc. She never would
have believed he had such an almost violent need for her.
    She pulled away. “What was that?”
    “Uh, the kiss-it-and-make-it-better thing?”
    “No, I want last night’s kiss. I want that guy in my
    “You mean me?”
    Sara startled at Rob’s question. Was it him last night whose
kiss made her weak in the knees? Had she been so drunk she couldn’t remember
the difference? They never would have made a move on her if she was that far
gone. She looked from Rob and back to Marc, her gaze bouncing like an audience
member’s at a tennis match.
    Which one was it? God, she was embarrassed she couldn’t
remember. “I’m such a slut,” she mumbled under her breath.
    “I never want to hear that from you again.” Marc’s steely
hazel eyes gave her no doubt he found that kind of language unacceptable. But
she still couldn’t get the

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