From Mangia to Murder (A Sophia Mancini ~ Little Italy Mystery)

From Mangia to Murder (A Sophia Mancini ~ Little Italy Mystery) by Caroline Mickelson Read Free Book Online

Book: From Mangia to Murder (A Sophia Mancini ~ Little Italy Mystery) by Caroline Mickelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caroline Mickelson
word.” Sergeant O’Brian held open the door for him.
    Sophia glanced down at Vincenzo’s body.Granted, Vincenzo was almost universally disliked, hated even, but an act this violent was pure evil. Nothing else could explain the lifeless man sprawled only a few feet from where she stood. A quick glance toward the door reassured her that Captain McIntyre was engrossed in conversation. The proverbial coast was clear.
    Ever so quietly, she inched closer to Vincenzo’s corpse. Corpse. Such a nasty word. The whole business made her sick. Focus, Sophia, she reminded herself. Maybe there was a clue she could see if she got closer.
    “Not one more move, Miss Mancini.” Without missing a beat, Captain McIntyre continued his conversation with the medical examiner.
    Sophia groaned. This was the type of man nightmares were made of. Confound him. She straightened with as much dignity as she could muster and slowly took a few steps backward.
    “A word, Miss Mancini.”
    “Captain?” She might as well play clueless. It’s what she’d end being if he had his way about it.
    In answer, he put a hand under her elbow and propelled her through the door and into the dining room. The silent dining room. All earlier gaiety had vanished. The party guests now sat wordlessly around the tables. All eyes were on them, the glare stronger than a Broadway spotlight.
    Sophia glanced up at the Captain. If he was uncomfortable it didn’t show, although his grip on her elbow loosened somewhat.
    He led her through the maze of tables toward the front of the restaurant. Once outside, he released his hold on her.
    She rubbed her arm. “What on earth is the matter with you, Captain McIntyre? There is a dead body in the kitchen that needs your attention. What do you mean hauling me out here?”
    “I’m well aware what my duties are, Miss Mancini.” He lowered his voice. “I wanted you to know that I’m on to you and I’ll be watching you carefully.” Watching her? Her eyes widened. Good God, did he think she had something to do with Vincenzo’s untimely death? He must be mad.
    “Captain McIntyre, I assure you I had nothing to do with ...whatever happened in the kitchen. I found Vincenzo, but I would never...I could never... why, it’s insane for you to think that I could possibly commit a violent act.”
    Not a single muscle on his impassive face moved, and his gaze didn’t wander from hers. The man didn’t even blink, for heaven’s sake.
    “I haven’t known you long enough to know how much violence you are capable of, Miss Mancini. However, my instinct tells me to not let you out of my sight.”
    “Am I under suspicion?” Her knees felt weak.
    “Not for murder, no.” One side of his lips rose in a cynical smile. “For interfering with police business I’ve already tried and convicted you.” He opened the restaurant door. “One more thing. You’re to stay right by my side until I tell you that you can go.” He motioned for her to enter ahead of him.
    Sophia’s feet wouldn’t move. “And if I do leave your sight, Captain McIntyre?”
    “I’ll have you arrested. Is that clear?”
    A discreet cough startled both Sophia and the police captain. They turned together to face the woman who stood beside them on the sidewalk, clipboard in hand, a startled expression on her face.
    Sophia’s heart sank. She closed her eyes for a brief moment and opened them again. Her wish wasn’t granted. The court appointed social worker, Mrs. Featherstone, was still there.
    “Did I just overhear you threaten to arrest this woman?” Mrs. Featherstone asked, her voice incredulous.
    Captain McIntyre scowled. “No comment for the press at this time.”
    “I’m not a member of the press.” Mrs. Featherstone looked down her nose and over her glasses at Sophia. “I came here looking for Miss Mancini and her brother.”
    “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me. However, I’m going to have to ask you to leave for the moment. You can speak with Miss

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