Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series)

Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online

Book: Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
nearly completely bare.
    His lips fluttered on my skin, cold and tantalizing against the heat of my body. I could feel his tongue tickle my collarbone and explore the hidden recesses of my neck, and then lower – towards my stomach, as I couldn’t help but sigh with delight. “Kian!” I tried to think, even as his touch destroyed thought altogether. “How did you get in here? How did you find me?”
    He made no response, but only returned his mouth to mine, sucking gently on my bottom lip, then increasing in his passion, biting me slightly, then letting me feel the full brunt of his passion hot upon his lips. “How did you get in?” I murmured again between kisses, my eyes closing with unbelievable pleasure. “Delano’s guards…”
    And then I heard a familiar chuckle, which did not sound like Kian’s and was unmistakably evil.
    “Delano!” I shot up, looking around, expecting to see the Pixie King standing at the doorway. But nobody was there.
    “Looking for someone?” came that eerie voice from the bed.
    I gasped. Kneeling over me, his eyes hooded in lust where Kian had been a moment before was Delano, shirtless, as Kian had been, wearing the same black trousers that I had been so close to taking off…
    “No!” I cried, feeling my gorge rise. “No, no!”
    “From the looks of things,” Delano said languidly, “it seemed a great deal more like ‘yes’ ‘yes’ ‘yes’!’ He laughed, and I saw in his eyes the same smoldering desire I had seen in Kian’s. But while on Kian’s face it had excited me, even thrilled me, here I felt only shock and disgust.
    “That’s because I thought you were Kian,” I spat. The effort of speaking through my revulsion was great, and every word seemed like a new trial. I wiped my hand across my mouth, trying to erase the taste, the smell, the sensation from my lips. My face burned with red-hot shame, having responded to Delano with such passion.
    Delano’s smile grew wider. “Just me,” he said, his teeth pointy and flashing, his hands still on my bare skin. “Just glamoured up to look like your favorite lover boy…of the moment!”
    I leaped to my feet, gathering my clothes around me, putting them on as fast as I could. They were Delano’s clothes, I knew, and the idea disgusted me even more, but I wasn’t about to let Delano take a good look at me half-naked.
    “I just wanted to give you a little…ah….taste of what it would be like,” said Delano. “If you were with me. I wanted you relaxed so that you could tell what I’m capable of! You see, Breena, I hold much passion for you…your refusal of me has only fueled my want of you.”
    “You are not Kian!” I cried.
    “The Wolf Prince is not Kian, yet you spent days and nights with him…”
    “How many times must I tell you it was because of the love and lust spell Wort put me under…”
    “You could pretend I’m Kian…” Delano said with a wry smile. Then he laughed. “Or your Wolf Prince… or whoever you fancy…at the moment! Although with me, you seemed to be enjoying yourself very much!”
    I felt my cheeks stain red from anger and embarrassment! How dare Delano try to corner me in such a position, to see my secret feelings like that! I’d never even shown Kian that side of me before, that side so filled with desire that I was willing to – stupidly! – forego asking any questions in order to be with my beloved. And now to find out it was Delano who had seen my face, heard my moans! I wanted to throw up.
    I felt my anger burning within me, a rage so white-hot it seemed to emanate in a fiery glow from my body. You will get out of this , I heard a voice saying – my own voice, but older, stronger, a version of myself I had never heard before. You will not let yourself be a victim any longer. It was Winter and Summer magic, joining together within me, the power of my newly immortal blood.
    And I had to take

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