Gabriel's Stand

Gabriel's Stand by Jay B. Gaskill Read Free Book Online

Book: Gabriel's Stand by Jay B. Gaskill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jay B. Gaskill
Tags: USA, Politics, Government, Mass Murder, Environment, extinction, Gaia
out at the water. Snowfeather put her slender arm over her friend’s shoulder.
    Dr. Owen looked back at his daughter’s husband. Josh was a tall, sturdy, thirty year-old man with clear, kind eyes, preoccupied with the tackle box. When Josh immediately got up to comfort his wife, John looked away. Alice, dressed in her favorite crimson parka, approached John and Gabriel with two steaming metal cups. She projected cheer, but her eyes were dark.
    â€œIt’s very hot, guys. Strong coffee and trace amounts of cocoa.”
    Gabriel kissed his wife on the cheek and John took a cup with one hand while still holding the wheel in the other. “Thank you, Alice,” he said. “It means everything to have friends here right now.”
    â€œReady for a break, Capt’n?” Alice asked. “I’d love to take the helm. This thingy is the helm, isn’t it?” she added impishly. John’s bleak solemnity gave way to a smile, his first in ten days. “Get ye aft Capt’n, and have a drink.”
    â€œYes’m,” John said. He yielded the wheel. As Alice steered and the Seattle skyline dropped below the horizon, the two men sat in a shelter near the stern, across from Josh and their daughters, and sipped from their battered metal cups. After several silent minutes, Owen slipped his empty mug into a holder. His movements were excessively careful, like in a dream. Then he bent forward and covered his face with his hands. “Damn, damn, damn,” he said, his voice muffled. “I knew Rachael shouldn’t have ever gone into that godforsaken clinic. I knew it. I knew it…” He shook, trying futilely to hide the sounds of his sobbing. Gabriel reached out, patting John’s back. Then John raised himself up, trying to smile. Tears were running freely. “God, I miss her.”
    Gabriel started to say something, but held his silence. Moments passed, with John looking out at the water, Gabriel feeling helpless. A minute later, as if by unspoken agreement, Elisabeth and Snowfeather quietly joined them on either side, each young woman settling next to her father. Josh stood awkwardly at a distance. Dr. Owen had stopped shaking but Gabriel could see the tears still streaming, and he began rubbing his friend’s shoulders. John eventually straightened, reached over and patted Gabriel. “I’ll be okay,” he said, attempting a smile. Elisabeth leaned her head against her father and started crying softly. Josh approached, then, and patted Elisabeth.
    Gabriel wanted to look directly at John, but forced himself to join him looking out at the distant water. Gabriel started to say something, but the words died.
    â€œIt hurts,” John whispered. “It hurts so damned much.”
    Snowfeather squeezed her father’s hand. The boat plowed on through the gray water, heading toward the column of sunlight. “I know,” Gabriel said, “I know.”
    â€œIn a way, they killed her,” John said.
    â€œWho killed her, John?” Gabriel asked.
    John Owen just stared ahead.

Chapter 7
    One month later

    John Owen opened a crisp white envelope which contained an invitation to an exclusive meeting to be held at the Conference Center of the Fowler Enterprises Building in Boston, hosted by the Captains of Technology, Stewards of Gaia. At the bottom was a personal inscription from Fowler. Apparently, all the major pharmaceutical makers had been personally invited by Knight Fowler. John politely declined, citing his family tragedy. In truth, he would never again agree to be in the same room with Fowler, Longworthy or any of those other idiots. John asked an assistant to line the front office bird cage with the invitation.
    The next week, Ed Gosli, CEO of General Advanced Technologies, called John to pay his respects. After John thanked him, Ed asked whether John would be going to “Fowler’s Boston Show.” Dr. Owen had replied with a remarkably

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