
Galdoni by Cheree Alsop Read Free Book Online

Book: Galdoni by Cheree Alsop Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheree Alsop
Tags: adventure, Romance, Fantasy, Young Adult, Gladiator, Urban, teen, love, Violence, fight
arm, her grip firm. “Kale, I
helped save your life. You owe me that much.”
    The way she said my name made me turn back
against my will. She must have seen something in my face because
she let go of my arm and stepped back. I took a breath and tried to
push away the pent-up fury in my chest. I leaned against the arm of
the sofa.
    “ It’s what I’m meant for,
Brie.” I ran a hand through my hair. It felt good to have it
shorter. I shoved the hand in my pocket. “It’s all I know. I’ve
been taught to fight my whole life, and now, here I sit and wait to
heal for what end? How can I do anything the way I am? Who are we
kidding thinking I’ll fit in at this school? And what happens to
you guys when we’re caught? It would have been better if you'd let
me die out there.”
    Brie's eyes widened; I looked away. She took
a step forward. “You don't really believe that, do you?”
    She tried to hide the hurt she felt, but I
could hear it in her voice and hated myself for it. I lowered my
head. “I believe it for you, for all of you. You shouldn't have
gotten caught up in this.”
    “ We chose to, and we
accepted the risk. We aren't kids, Kale. We know what we're doing.”
At my glance, a faint blush stole across her cheeks again. “Well,
at least most of us know what we're doing.” She sat down on the
couch and motioned for me to join her. Her gaze was soft and
trusting. Knowing what she did of my background, I wondered why she
dared to be in the same room with me, let alone ask me to stay. I
frowned but took a seat against my better judgment.
    She sighed and toyed with a small beaded
bracelet around her wrist that I hadn't noticed before. “Can I tell
you something?”
    I gave a small, guarded nod. “Yes.”
    She looked at me carefully. “Promise you
won't tell Jayce?”
    “ You have my
    “ Our parents, well, my
step-father.” She hesitated, but I nodded encouragingly. She looked
down at her hands. “He has a drinking problem and he gets violent.
I want to get my sister away from them.”
    “ How old is she?” I had
never tried alcohol; it was a banned substance at the Academy for
obvious reasons, but I had read about its uses and
    “ Eight. When my parents
divorced, my father won custody of Jayce and me, but Allie was so
young that they let her stay with my mom. I almost didn't go with
Dad because I was so worried about leaving her, but Jayce talked me
into it. He said if we could establish that this was a better place
for her, we would eventually be able to take Allie away from it
all.” She glanced at me and I could see the worry in her eyes. “But
when I spoke to Mom on the phone yesterday, she mentioned that Rob
lost his job.”
    “ And you're worried his
drinking will get out of control,” I finished her thought. She
nodded, her eyes bright with concern. I knew I should reassure her,
but her reasoning made sense. “Does your sister know how to reach
you if things get out of hand?”
    “ She has my cell number,
but it's a two hour drive. Dad’s gone for the next few days on a
business trip and I worry about something happening while he’s
gone.” She rubbed her eyes tiredly. “Maybe I worry too much. Jayce
thinks everything's okay.” Her voice dropped softer. “But he never
really felt there was a problem in the first place. Even when Rob
was beating on Jayce, he figured it was better than Rob beating Mom
or me.”
    “ But now there's no one
else to beat on,” I replied.
    She nodded. “It keeps me up at night. Jayce
thinks I worry myself sick for nothing, but I can't help it. I
can't wait to get her out of there.”
    “ I can’t blame you. You’re
a good sister to worry.”
    She gave me a grateful smile. “It’s nice to
have someone else to talk to about it. Thanks for
    But I didn't, really. I had never been
concerned for another person besides myself. At the Academy, it was
fight or die. There wasn't room for chivalry or mercy.
    “ What’s it

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