Gareth and th Lost Island

Gareth and th Lost Island by Patrick Mallard Read Free Book Online

Book: Gareth and th Lost Island by Patrick Mallard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patrick Mallard
Tags: adventure, Fantasy, funny, fantasy adventure, steampunk airships
only thing that I am willing to share is the fact that the merchant
in question has demonstrated the proper pronunciation of his family
name with his inability to keep his wife satisfied. A trait I’m
sure he and his brother share,” he said, baiting Nutleiss.
    Nutleiss took the bait, and lost control again. “Why
you little…” he started to scream, before the Dean raised his hand
for Nutleiss to be silent.
    “Peace, Professor Nutleiss,” the Dean ordered, and
then stared at Gareth. “Professor Mintel, were you aware that Deek
Nutleiss has recently donated a great deal of money to the
University for the purpose of building a professor’s only spa on
the grounds?” he asked. The announcement of the pending spa set off
the crowd as they talked among themselves about the prospect of
such a place. “Quiet please, I would hear Professor Mintel’s
response,” the Dean called out. The room instantly quieted.
    “No Dean, I was unaware of such a gift,” Gareth
replied. After a brief moment, Gareth turned at looked at Professor
Nutleiss. “Did your parents actually name your brother Dick
Nutless ?” he taunted.
    Nutleiss ground his teeth in anger before his
expression relaxed, and he gave a smile that made everyone suddenly
feel dirty and in desperate need of a bath. “Dean, I think it goes
without saying that my brother will withdraw his extremely generous
offer if Mintel is granted tenure. Oh… and I forgot to mention, the
staff my brother is planning on hiring provide excellent
manicures,” he said, sweetening the pot.
    “Manicures you say?” the Dean asked for
clarification. Nutleiss nodded his head. “Well that does complicate
matters doesn’t it?” the Dean asked rhetorically. “On one hand, we
have a promising young professor that, despite what Professor
Nutleiss says, has the potential to be a great asset to our
University. On the other hand, we get a professors’ only spa. It
would seem that the scales are well and truly balanced in this
argument,” he summarized. After a moment of introspection, the Dean
snapped his fingers. “I have it. We will let the precedents of past
Deans guide us. I believe we shall enact a Trial by Discovery for
Professor Mintel,” the Dean announced. “Since the young man before
us holds tremendous potential, I believe the trial should be a true
measure of his skills. Yes, that is what we shall do. Professor
Mintel, I hereby place you on indefinite sabbatical and charge you
with finding the Lost Island of Mascal,” he decreed.
    “What?!” Gareth and Tralnis shouted in unison.
    The Dean’s smile gave Gareth and Tralnis a hint that
his Tenure Argument had been a setup all along. “I have given
Professor Mintel a task. Do you doubt that he is capable enough to
complete this quest, Doctor Granitestaff?” the Dean challenged.
    “If his task is finding an island that most people
believe is only a myth, and is rarely even spoken of in the oldest
records, then yes I do. I doubt anyone could do this,” Tralnis
spat. “Well at least since you, our illustrious leader, have
decreed that this is a University sponsored expedition, by the
University charter, you will be forced to both fund it, and provide
University personnel to staff it,” he pointed out, confident he had
found a loophole.
    “Of course… and thank you for volunteering to go with
him, Doctor Granitestaff. We have set aside the equivalent of a
year’s salary for both of you to fund this expedition,” the Dean
said smugly. “Also to aid your quest, gentlemen, I have a clay
tablet that Professor Dunst has assured me has something to do with
the Lost Island of Mascal. It is yours to do with as you wish,” he
said, confirming that yes, the whole thing had been a setup.
Professor Dunst and reality hadn’t been on speaking terms for quite
a long time, and he was the butt of many jokes around the
    A staff member walked forward, and presented a brown
clay tablet to Gareth. Once he took possession

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