Gate Wide Open

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Book: Gate Wide Open by M. T. Pope Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. T. Pope
give them a call, on duty or off. I knew I was definitely going to use them again real soon.
    Shawn still hadn’t learned that he was up against the best, I guess. I was going to have to take him to school again. If my guess was right, and it usually was, Mona and Shawn still hadn’t told the children about their biological father.
    They were making this shit way too easy. I was in need of some more entertainment, and these two fools were in line again begging to be a part of my show. Man, this shit making me horny.
    The only thing was, this old fucker I was staying with was bugging the hell out of me. He wanted me to hold him at night and tell him I love him and all that shit. I was so close to telling him to fuck off. His ass was making me sick as a muthafucka.
    I woke his old ass up early this morning, so I could go and get me a ride. I had to run some interference in some people’s lives that shitted on me and thought they were getting away with it. I had sat in jail for ten years planning out my revenge on those that placed me there, and I was going to make sure that they got what was coming to them. They may have forgotten about me, but I sure hadn’t forgotten about them. I was sparing no one this time around. Their asses didn’t know I was coming, but when I was finished with their asses, they would be passing down stories about me to the grandkids.
    We pulled up to the dealership, and I got out and told gramps to stay still until I was finished. His ass was as obedient as a dog, and loyal as one too. He was begging for a piece of dick, and if I got my way today, he just might get a treat, if I could stomach looking at his wrinkly, mashed-up ass cheeks.
    I walked into a rinky-dink car dealership and asked to speak to the man in charge. I walked to the counter, and a weave-wearing receptionist bitch with red and yellow hair looked me up and down and returned to the conversation she was having on the phone. Ghetto bitch was acting like she didn’t want to help me, but she didn’t know she was fucking with a crazy muthafucka that was messed up in the head. I was all the more pleased to show her my ghetto side as well.
    â€œExcuse me,” I said with a smile. “Don’t you see me standing here waiting to be serviced?”
    â€œYeah,” she said, rolling her eyes. “And? I got you when I get up off my call. Damn!”
    â€œDamn?” I said to myself, shocked at her boldness. “Oh, I know this bitch is asking for it.”
    She continued to have her conversation on the phone, ignoring my presence once again. “Yeah, girl, do you know that muthafucka had the nerve to want me to work and come home and fix his dinner? He must’ve lost—”
    I let this bitch ride too long, so I grabbed the phone and hung it up. I then grabbed her “phony tail” and flung it across the room. She watched as the weave hit the ground.
    I grabbed her by what little hair she had left and pulled her ear close to my mouth. “Look, bitch, if you want the rest of this shitty mess you call hair, then you better skip your can’t-keep-a-man ass to the back and get the man that own this shithole.”
    Her ass finally got up and went into a back office and out pops this dude that look like he was straight out of prison himself. He was tall and muscular and from the bulge in his slacks, I could only hope that he was packing a big dick. I always sized up a man’s dick before I even looked them in the face.
    I put on my around-the-way swagger and walked up to him. We shook hands, and he showed me the way to his office.
    I went straight for the kill and put my cards on the table. I looked him dead in the eye. “Main man, I need a favor.”
    â€œWhat kind of favor you talkin’ about?” he asked, adjusting himself in his seat.
    â€œI just got out the joint, and I need me some wheels, and all I have is cash money.” I knew from my sources around

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