have gone there otherwise, trust me. I kno w… .listen, can you fix it or not because I need to make arrangements if you ca n’ t, I need it by tomorrow...Anthony, do n’ t...I know but I ca n’ t get into that right now. What? Seriously?? Why?...Are you joking?...Ay, pues, fine! I’ ll stop by after I pay ren t… I do n’ t know , Anthony, an hour? Two hours? Do you need me to text you when I’ m on my way?...Ay, fine! Bye ! ”
Her face is flushed again and she shakes her head as she steps up to the counter.
“ Who was that ? ” Julian asks again.
“ My ex , ” she says, and then to the clerk ,“ Hi, Kim. I need to pay fifty on this account, please . ”
The clerk sits behind plexi-glass in a room clearly air-conditioned. Alice pushes her paperwork through a tiny slot with the accompanying payment. The clerk, a round woman with a frizzy perm poofed up off her head and heavy make-up plastered across her face, shuffles through the bill and then looks at her in reproach .“ The bill is for a hundred . ”
“ Yes, I know, thank you. I’ m paying the minimum due , ” she mumbles.
“ But if you just pay the other half, yo u’ ll be clear. You obviously have it , ” she says, gesturing to the wad of money Alice shoves in her front pocket.
Alice stops and stares hard at the woman, her attitude changing instantaneously. She narrows her eyes and draws her mouth tight, her brow dropping dangerously. Julian freezes, unsure of the sudden anxiety welling in him at her transformation.
“ Oh, oh you mean this money ? ” she asks, holding up the wad. “ This? You suddenly know where all this needs to go, huh? You wannabalance my check book, Kim, is that it? Pay my groceries? Feed my dog? Who you talking to right now ? ”
“ You do n’ t need to get crazy , ” Kim sighs, hits the button on her microphone and types the information into her computer ,“ I was just trying to be helpful . ”
“ Every time, lady! Every time you bust my balls about my bills! Why? Why me and not the thousands of other poor bastards that waitforever in your line while you move like a snail, taking your time behind that bullet-proof glass! What makes you think I need or want your help ? ”
“ Have a nice day, Alic e ” Kim says through a cold smile as she hands Alice her receipt.
“ Yeah, you, too. And next time you come through my line, I’ ll be sure and hook you up with our sugar-free shit . ”
Kim hits the microphone button and glowers at Alice. “ Wha t’ s that suppose mean? ! ”
“ It means you need to watch your blood sugar ,‘ cuzyou acting crazy ! ”
“ Whoa, hey, le t’ s go , ” Julian laughs, grabbing her arm as the crowd around him snickers.
Before Kim can retaliate, they rush outside and burst into laughter.
“ Shit, I have to find a new pay station again ! ” Alice says as they climb into the car.
“ What did your ex say ? ”
She chews her upper lip and frowns as they make their way towards Chinatown.
“ He says I have to stop by and give him a‘ down paymen t ’ to fix my car , ” she answers, playing with the radio nonchalantly. “ He was pissed, as usual . ”
“ Why? Hey, you know, last night, you said he was your boyfriend . ”
“ I never said he was my boyfriend...when ? ”
“ When you told the driver to drop off your car at you boyfrien d’ s shop . ”
“ O h… yeah, tha t’ s just semantics. H e’ s my ex. We broke up a while ago. But I still, w e’ re still friends, I suppose. I t’ s complicated . ”
“ On again, off again . ”
“ What? No. Not on again, never on again. He wants to be friends and like, close friends, but I’ m no t… ready for that. So, we hang out a little bit, then I disappear and then
Tera Lynn Childs, Tracy Deebs