
Gemini by Sonya Mukherjee Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Gemini by Sonya Mukherjee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sonya Mukherjee
know Clara, she’s the pretty one—she says we have the best conditions for stargazing. Because there’s no air pollution.”
    â€œLight pollution,” I corrected her, even as I winced at her ridiculous characterization of me as “the pretty one.” I figured that Max was now wondering whether Bridget was “the blind one.” The truth was that even if you were just comparing me and Hailey, it was Hailey who somehow, despite being my identical twin, always managed to be a little more attractive than me.
    Bridget whacked her forehead with the heel of her hand, a gesture that was not common for her, and it occurred to me that she had actually made the mistake on purpose. Not the mistake about me being pretty, but the mistake about the pollution. Well, actually, both.
    â€œLight pollution!” she agreed. “See, Clara’s the astronomy expert, not me.”
    Max tilted his head toward me. “You’re into stargazing?”
    I shrugged. “I guess so.”
    â€œHow often do you go to the observatory?” Juanita asked me pointedly.
    â€œUm, I don’t know, two or three times a month, if Hailey will let me?” Unfortunately, Hailey loved the observatory about as much as I loved art class. And at the observatory it was too dark for her to bring a book. I didn’t mention that if it weren’t for Hailey’s resistance, and if I didn’t care what anyone else thought, I would probably go up there several times a week.
    â€œCase closed,” Juanita said. “She’s practically obsessed.”
    For the first time Max scooted his chair in closer to the table and leaned into his words. With perfect seriousness and not a shred of self-consciousness, he said, “So am I. What observatory do you go to?”
    Idiot-Girl screamed shrilly, echoing through my brain, Did you hear that? Did you hear? He’s practically obsessed with stargazing, just like me!
    But as fast as lightning, the Cynic had her pinned down on the floor, and she growled back at her, Yeah, but that doesn’t mean he wants anything to do with a freak like you, you freak!
    I tried to block them out and do my best imitation of speaking like a normal person. “Over at Sutter College,” I said.
    Shut up, said the Cynic. Just shut up! Or find a way to change the subject!
    But Idiot-Girl kept me talking: “It’s pretty good, Ithink. Well, actually, it’s the only observatory I’ve ever been to. But to me it seems amazing, and I’ve heard other people say there’s good viewing there.”
    â€œWhat type of telescope do they have?”
    Idiot-Girl found this question profoundly brilliant. The Cynic gave Idiot-Girl a whack upside the head.
    I looked down at my hands, which were wrapped tightly around my now-cold coffee cup.
    â€œA Schmidt-Cassegrain,” I said, my voice coming out all quiet and breathy, like some kind of moron. I tried hard for a regular voice as I added, “Sixteen inches.”
    He was on the edge of his seat. “When are they open?”
    I glanced nervously at Juanita. Max was playing right into my friends’ plans, and I couldn’t think of any way out.
    â€œIt just so happens,” said Hailey, with a note of triumph, “that all of us are going there this Friday night. Would you care to join us?” A playful, almost flirtatious note crept into her voice as she added, “Maybe let Clara show you where Orion meets up with the Gemini constellation?”
    I would need to strangle Hailey in her sleep. Had a conjoined twin ever successfully murdered her sibling? I would have to look into it.
    â€œOh.” Max drew back into his chair, his shoulders straight. His hand must have tightened around his pack of doughnuts, because it made a loud crinkling sound. He looked again at the door.
    It was, I saw, exactly how I’d predicted. Hailey’s two-headed invitation had completely freaked him out. Of

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