GEN13 - Version 2.0

GEN13 - Version 2.0 by Unknown Author Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: GEN13 - Version 2.0 by Unknown Author Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown Author
Tags: Sholly Fisch
used to paying four-figure rents each month for a single room the size of a closet—would kill for. The suite took up two floors of the posh building, and covered enough space to provide private bedrooms for each of the team, a study for Lynch, and even a small workout room. The sunken living room alone was three times the size of Kat’s old dorm room at college, with a fully stocked bar and a picture window that spanned most of one wall to display a spectacular view of the city.
    But that wasn’t what was foremost in Kat’s mind right now. And even if the others didn’t see that, Sarah did. She stepped between Kat and the rest of the group. “Back off, you guys! She’s not doing it for the money. There’s more to life than fancy apartments.” She turned to Kat. “Right?”    '
    Kat had known that, out of everyone, Sarah would understand. That was why, each week, Sarah spent several hours volunteering at a homeless shelter downtown.
    Roxy stared up at Kat, her eyes starting to fill. “You mean you ... you’re gonna just, like, split? After all this time, you’d just up and leave ,.. um, the team?”
    Kat flashed her a reassuring smile. “No way, silly! I’d never leave you guys. We do some important stuff here.
    “Besides,” she added, putting her arm around Roxy and giving her a squeeze that nearly cracked a rib, “after nineteen years, I finally found my sister. Do you think I’d let you slip away now?”
    Roxy managed to choke out a feeble “Thanks.. .” as the one-armed hug forced the air from her lungs.
    Kat let go and went back to addressing the group as a whole. “But,” she said, “I’ve got an obligation to myself, too. I have to do something about this. I can’t just ignore my own needs.”
    “Hey, while you’re at it, you can always pay some attention to my nee—,” Grunge joked. Then he looked at Bobby. “... Never mind.”
    Bobby smirked at Grunge, enjoying his friend’s discomfort. But his smile faded and his face turned sincere when he spoke to Kat. “We get it, Kat. If this is what you need, it’s cool. You know we’ll always be behind you, no matter what.”
    Kat smiled with relief. “Thanks.”
    “But,” Bobby continued, “even if you’ve got us on board, you’re still going to have a mega-problem here.” Sarah looked serious as she nodded in agreement. She knew full well what Bobby was talking about. “Lynch isn’t going to like this.”
    The team’s mentor had been away for the past few days. He hadn’t said where he was going. But his presence was still very much with them.
    “I know,” Kat said. “That’s why you’ve got to help me out. I need to find some way to break it to him. so that—”
    Kat stopped talking as soon as she heard the familiar, deep voice behind her. “I believe it’s already broken,” said the voice.
    Kat looked up to see Lynch standing in the open front door. He was still wearing his coat and holding a leather carry-on bag. There was no way to know just how long he’d been standing there.
    Dressed in a jet black shirt and trousers, Lynch cut a commanding figure. He was well into middle age, but his body was as taut and muscular as it had been twenty years earlier. His mutton chops and widow’s peak accentuated the sharp angles of his scarred face.
    As a general rule, Lynch rarely smiled. But even by his own standards, he didn’t look happy.
    Lynch turned to the others. “Would you excuse us, please? Caitlin and I need to talk.”
    “You got it!” “Sure!” “Glad to have you home, Dad!” “Oh gee, is that the time?”
    Before Kat could blink, they vanished in a chorus of slamming doors.
    Lynch chuckled quietly. He put down his bag near the door and hung up his coat. Then, without a word, he walked to the sofa. He picked up the remote control, and turned off the video that was still playing, long forgotten. Kat squirmed uncomfortably as she waited.
    Finally, Lynch crossed over to her.
    “I understand,

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