
Gerard by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online

Book: Gerard by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
gone. “Mother fuck.”
    Gerard sat on the grassy bank, his body hurting to find the woman even though he’d come only seconds before. He looked along the shoreline in the hopes of seeing her again, even for a moment, but he didn’t, and when he lay back on the grass, he felt his body sort of mellow out, and he closed his eyes again.
    He’d never had an encounter like this before. Gerard, like his brothers, had never been without a woman, but this was different. She had been different. Even when he’d been a lot younger, women, even older ones, seemed to love having him around. He’d never dated anyone older than him and had his pick of sexual partners for as long as he could remember, but nothing had made him feel like this one had.
    When Paddy entered his mind a few seconds later, Gerard got up and made his way back to the house. You should know that she’s found her way back to the Mitchell ranch. I think she might be planning to sleep there rather than with you. Gerard told him to fuck off, and Paddy only laughed as he continued. You should have gone to get her, young Gerard. Playing with a mate like that will only cause you both heartache.
    He stopped moving and stood as still as stone. What do you mean, mates? We’re not mates. Are we?
    I would think she knows what you are to her. Maybe you’re a little slower, but had you gotten close enough—and I’m only assuming here that you didn’t—you would have figured it out too. Perhaps that’s why she ran from you. He asked Paddy how he could locate her. Yesterday. At the station. She killed one of my men, and I took a bit of her blood. If she causes me any more grief, which I don’t think she will, then I will be able to hunt her down and tear her throat out. But as I said, I don’t think that will be an issue.
    Gerard looked back to where he’d come from. She’d known that…he thought about her words now, and wanted to hunt her down and demand for her to tell him why she’d done that to them. Done that to him. They were fucking mates. Then Paddy laughed again.
    I’m not sure that you’re mates, Gerard. You’d have to get close enough to her to find out for sure. And as upset as I’d say she is right now, I’d wait to find out. She would hurt you, I think. He asked him how he knew she was upset. Because she’s cursing a blue streak at the wood that she’s chopping. And the ax that she’s using is very sharp. So if I were you, I’d not plan any more outings with the young cat. She will hurt you. But if it makes you feel any better, I have others watching over her. Though I have no doubt that she can take care of herself.
    That’s no reason why you should think she’s my mate. I mean…. Then something occurred to him. You can hear her. What’s she saying? I never touched her, if that’s what she’s telling you.
    No, you didn’t, and that’s not what she’s saying. I’m close enough to her to hear her words. She is saying that she no more wants you in her life than you’ll want her when you figure out things about her. I’m assuming that she has a checkered past that might concern you. Gerard said that it wouldn’t matter to him if she’d murdered someone. Then, my young friend, I suggest you talk to your brother or Palmer Snow. They might enlighten you on a few things about her. From what Mason told me today, she has a bit of a history.
    What sort of history? Gerard made his way into the house. He didn’t want to wake the house up so he didn’t even bother going to the refrigerator, even though he was starving. You know something. Please tell me.
    I really don’t know anything. But for what she did for me yesterday, I feel a little more protective of her than I would another stranger. Had she not stepped in when she did, Emma would have been hurt badly, and it would have been my fault entirely. Gerard had forgotten about her killing one of his men. Had she not done what she had, then, as I said, he might have caused me more pain

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