Ghost Fleet (The Pike Chronicles Book 4)
we are not finished with New Byzantium.”

Chapter 8
    “Why does Sallas want you to release the Diakans?” said Kevin St. Clair, Jon’s burly security chief.
    Jon stared at the endless blue water stretching out before him. “He thinks it is a smart move diplomatically. We can’t claim political asylum if we’re holding Diakan prisoners.”
    “Shit,” said Kevin.
    The sound of laughter rang out below them. Jon smiled as he watched Breeah’s daughter, Anki, running around with Seiben’s two girls, Otka and Alina. The three were running through the shallow water splashing each other. The sight cheered him up. This was how childhood should be spent, laughing and playing, not fighting and watching people die. On the beach near the girls sat Breeah and Darla, deep in conversation. Jon could see a few other people in the distance, but other than that the beach was empty.
    “Are you going to do it?” said Kevin.
    “If we agree to Sallas’s offer we’ll have to. But the Chaanisar and Reivers need to be on board with the idea. That means we wait for the Doctor to put Colonel Bast back together.”
    “The sooner that happens, the better.”
    “Won’t be long now. Dr. Ellerbeck said she would be reinserting the brain chip tomorrow.”
    “Say Bast agrees with Sallas’s proposition, how do we build new jump ships?”
    “We don’t build them. We retrofit existing ships.”
    “How do we do that?”
    “I’ve been thinking about that. I see no way around it. We’re going to need Singh.”
    “How did I know you were going to say that? Captain, we can’t trust that traitor.”
    “I know, but we might not have a choice. He’s the only jump system expert within a thousand light years.”
    “What about the Chaanisar? Don’t they have their own expert?”
    “No. The Juttari kept the information to themselves. The Chaanisar killed their jump system expert when they revolted.”
    “Damn. First the Diakans, and now Singh. What’s next, a lunch date with the Kemmar?”
    “What the hell are you two doing standing over here?” said Seiben, walking over to Jon and Kevin with three beers in his hands. “Have a beer. Loosen up. The food’s almost ready.”
    “Thanks,” said Jon, taking one of the beers from Seiben. “We were just admiring your view.”
    “It’s a thing of beauty, isn’t it? I don’t think I’ve ever seen Darla so happy,” said Seiben, nodding at his wife on the beach.
    “Beats the hell out of that damn space station you were living on,” said Kevin. “I grew up on an island. Nothing better than living by the water.”
    “Hey, I’m a convert,” said Seiben, clinking his bottle with Kevin’s. “This is the good life.” He looked at Jon, “What do you think about it?”
    “It’s great,” said Jon.
    “Yeah right,” said Seiben, smiling. “I bet your wondering how many people you can drown out there.”
    “Funny,” said Jon with a smirk.
    “Thanks. Now why don’t you two stop being so damn anti-social and come join the rest of us.”
    “What’s cooking?” said Kevin.
    “Salmon? How the hell did you find salmon a thousand light years away from Earth?”
    “The ocean is full of them. According to Prime Minister Sallas, the early colonists brought many different species through the jump gate. Fish, seafood, even livestock and pets. Most of the fish and seafood thrived in New Byzantium’s oceans. The other day I tried something called lobster. It was delicious.”
    “Lobster? Are you joking?” said Kevin. “Shit, I’d eat lobster every day if I could. I think I could get used to living on this planet.”
    “What’s holding you back?” said Seiben. “Didn’t Sallas offer all of you the same deal?”
    “Yeah, we’re still sorting all that out,” said Jon.
    Seiben nodded. “Well come over here and help me take some food down to the beach. You can sort it out while you eat something. I’m sure that little bugger inside of you is hungry

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