you stop seeing her?"
    I sniff as my eyes burn. I touch the image
with a trembling hand. "Uh…I ah…" I sniff again. I do not want to
cry but my eyes have other plans. "It wasn't long after I woke. I
would notice her in the room. She would talk but I couldn't hear
her. And then…she just wasn't there anymore."
    "Oh yes she is." Chloe puts her hand on my
shoulder. "I think Caroline's always with you, watching you,
protecting you."
    "And…I can't see her because I'm no longer
close to death."
    "Death lifts the veil, Danny." Chloe rubs my
back. "But now I know who she is, and why she's there. I chose not
to put these on the blog—"
    "No," I say a bit more forcefully than I mean.
I wipe my eyes before I try to correct my outburst. "What I mean
is…no, don't abandon it. Do it. Post it by date and put the
pictures of Caroline up. Point her out. Don't let her be forgotten
as just another rich heiress killed by greed. Show…" I shift on the
bed, my excitement growing. "Show the world what a beautiful and
loving person she was. Please Chloe. For me?"
    Chloe smiles. "I'll start tomorrow. And I'll
show the posts to you first. Agreed?"
    She stands and hugs me and I stand to gather
my cane. It is time to leave. I'm tired and I want out of the
hospital. She disappears for a while as I watch the window. There
are some things the veil cannot hide.
    Two orderlies come in to take my things and I
make sure everything's gone. I'm the last one to leave the room and
as I open the door I stop and look back at the window.
    A single word is visible, written by hand in
the condensation.
    A one word declaration. For me.
    From Caroline.

    about the
    Phaedra Weldon is a writer and mother of one.
Born in Pensacola, Florida, Phaedra was raised in the lush, green
southern tropic of Georgia. She grew up on southern ghost stories
told while eating marshmallows around campfires, or on the back of
pick-up trucks in the middle of cornfields on chilly October
nights. She worked as a Graphic Artist for over twenty years in the
publishing and sign industries until she became a full time writer
in 2009. Phaedra currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her
husband and daughter.
    This work and everything in it is the sole
property of Phaedra Weldon. Any copying or reprinting will be
prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law.

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