Ghosts Of Alfhaven (Book 2)

Ghosts Of Alfhaven (Book 2) by Logan Petty Read Free Book Online

Book: Ghosts Of Alfhaven (Book 2) by Logan Petty Read Free Book Online
Authors: Logan Petty
came to the first attendant, the elf looked at him distastefully, like he smelled foul.
    “Do you want a slice of boar?”
    Sawain held out his plate, “May I have two slices?”
    The elf carved off a single slice and put it on his plate, “No.”
    Sawain scowled, “You're not going to give me another slice just because I'm an outsider?”
    The attendant sighed, “Everyone gets only one slice. Director's rule ever since Tobi ate an entire boar by himself.”
    Sawain was satisfied with the answer, though he had no idea what it meant. He simply nodded and turned to find a place to sit. The room was large and round. The same glowing fungi clung to the ceiling and walls, illuminating the cavern in a dim glow. Several long tables ran parallel to each other, a few feet apart. Most of them were already crowded, except for a section of the far table in the back.
    Sawain sighed and made for the table. He sat down at the edge and picked at his food. The few elves at the table got up and relocated, not too subtly. He tried to ignore them, but the way they treated him like a disease sickened his stomach. He chewed on the boar meat as his heart sank lower and lower. The meat had little flavor. He couldn't tell if it was the meat itself or his loss of appetite.
    He heard someone clear his throat nearby. He looked over his shoulder and was surprised to see a chubby elf standing behind him, holding a plate of food. He looked to be the same age as Sawain. His long blonde hair fell in straight strands around his pointed ears and face. His small blue eyes shone with hope as he gripped his plate with stubby, trembling fingers. His voice was a little shaky as he addressed Sawain.
    “y-you know, that's my seat.”
    Sawain turned around and sighed. He grabbed his plate and started to rise when the elf spoke again.
    “No, no! It's alright! You can have it, but... is it alright if I sit with you?”
    Sawain was shocked that someone in this place wanted to sit with him. He looked at the newcomer skeptically.
    “You actually want to sit with me? Not afraid I might be carrying some plague?”
    The elf smiled and hesitantly took a seat beside him. The two ate in silence for a few minutes. Sawain just stared at his plate, picking at his food. He picked up a glowing berry and stared at it warily. He was about to put it back on his plate when the elf beside him spoke up.
    “That's a Frostglow berry. You should try it, it's really good. It can cool you off on the hottest days.”
    Sawain looked at his table mate, then back at the berry. He shrugged and popped it into his mouth. When he bit into it, the juices that flowed out were sweet and cold as ice. He shivered as he swallowed it and the chilly sensation rushed through his body. He exhaled in surprise and saw his breath.
    “Wow, that's a new experience.”
    The elf grinned, “Yeah, there's all kinds of fun berries in the forest that have magical juices. Some are useful, but many are deadly, so you can't just go picking anything that glows.”
    Sawain nodded and tried to pretend that he already knew that.
    The elf was quiet for a moment, then spoke again, “I'm Tobilin, but everyone around here calls me Tobi.”
    Sawain nodded again, not knowing what else to do, “I'm Sawain. Nice to meet you. How come you're being so nice to me?”
    Tobi stared at his own plate, looking downcast, “I know what it's like to be the new guy around here. I've been here a year and I'm still treated like the new guy. I thought maybe we could... stick together, maybe we can make it through the academy if we work together.”
    Sawain looked at him closer. Tobi looked to be in bad shape. He was the first overweight elf Sawain had ever met. He was surprised the already infamous training regime had not yet expelled Tobi.
    “ Tobi, I don't want to sound rude, but how are you in the training program still after a year?”
    Tobi looked as if he was about to cry, “You mean how come I haven't failed out, being so...

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