in my heart that you’re right, but I’m just not sure. If they don’t have any other suspects, how will she be able to be let go?” Kyle turned to look at Kori and she was surprised that a lone tear had escaped and was drawing a straight path down his cheek.
“We’ll find who did this. If the police stop looking, we’ll have to figure it out. What else do you know about Lou? Jenna told me he’s been hounding you guys for years to buy this land from you to build on. How aggressive was he? Could Jenna have come out here and had to defend herself from him?”
Kyle continued to stare at Kori. She could see that the gears were turning in his mind. If Jenna’d had to use self defense, would she be let off?
“She would have told me she was coming out here to meet with him,” he finally said, sounding completely dejected.
“Where did Lou live? Was he married?” Kori was grasping at straws but she needed a starting point. A black heel that might actually be Jenna’s and a dysfunctional family were barely enough of a lead to follow to get Jenna off the hook.
“He lived alone on Cardinal Drive. He used to have us over for dinner once in a while. Like he was trying to bribe us with lobsters and caviar . You know, soften us up so we’d sell him the land.”
“Can you take me to his house?” Kori asked, hoping this might lead to something more solid.
Without saying a word, Kyle turned and walked back to his truck, Kori following him silently. She didn’t want to interrupt whatever he was thinking about, whether it was who might have killed Lou or how he was going to make sure Jenna was released sooner rather than later.
S he followed him to Cardinal Drive where he parked in front of a small house set back from the road. Parked in the driveway was an SUV with out of state plates that looked shockingly similar to the one she’d seen speeding down Main Street yesterday morning. If Lou’s brother was estranged, Kori thought his parents would be the ones to come and deal with his belongings. But could the car actually belong to his brother? Was he in town to kill Lou?
Kori got out of her Subaru, walked across the street and got into Kyle’s truck so they could talk. “Do you know whos e truck that is?” she asked him, keeping her ideas to herself.
He shook his head. “With Michigan plates? No idea.”
“But this is definitely his house?”
He nodded. “We haven’t been here forever, but his name is still on the mailbox.”
Kori turned in her seat to see what he was indicating and saw that ‘Lou McKay’ was indeed written right there on the mailbox. “His parents aren’t from Michigan?”
Kyle shrugged. “I thought they had to live close by because they were here so often. But I guess this could be their car.”
Kori took out her phone and snapped a photo of the license plate. She wasn’t sure that would be any help to her but it certainly wouldn’t hurt in any way. Maybe she could even come up with a reason to have Zach look it up for her.
“I don’t think we’ll get any answers today unless we knock on that door, but I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” Kori said, ready to go pick up Ibis and maybe even spend some down time at Nora’s Red Clover Farm.
“You’re probably right. But if you think of anything, will you tell me?” Kyle asked, a sadness creeping into his voice that pulled at Kori’s heart.
“Of course.” Then she opened her door, walked back to her car and drove off, leaving Kyle still sitting in front of Lou’s house.
“What’s going on?” Nora asked after Kori let herself into her house.
Kori looked at the clock and saw that it was already after four. Where did the day go? “I was helping Kyle look for clues to prove Jenna’s innocence.”
“What do you mean? Her innocence? Everyone knows she couldn’t have killed Lou,” Nora objected, handing Kori a mug of tea.
Kori gladly accepted it and followed Nora to the living room where they sat on either
Traitors Kiss; Lovers Kiss