Give Me All Of You

Give Me All Of You by Delka Beazer Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Give Me All Of You by Delka Beazer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delka Beazer
not far away.
    She frowned. The end of the picnic had not brought a conclusion to her misery.
    Hunter had followed her into the kitc hen and taken another kiss. This one had been swift and possessive, his tongue had stabbed into her mouth in breathless greed as they’d clung together in front of the pantry. She’d whimpered and remained boneless, caught between the wood and Hunter, the wood had been much more forgiving.
    Now she groaned and buried her face into the moistened towel. She hadn’t been able to summon the will to stop him.
    She cinched her arms around her legs, and fresh, disturbing images began to assault her. Being wrapped around Hunter’s lean, hard waist. His mouth sealed to hers, his body relentlessly pinning hers into the bed. She was certain that he would take more than she wanted to give if they ever became intimate. He wouldn’t stop halfway as her other would-be boyfriends had done, culled by her determination and her father’s power.
    She wouldn’t be able to control him. His big, muscled body and those cold, dark eyes didn’t emit one shred of hesitation.
    She shivered and attempted to push the racy images away, but she failed. Closing her eyes they came alive. She could almost imagine hearing Hunter’s harsh groans, ragged and deep, they went on and on as he drove her higher, raced into her body.
    Discomfited , she snapped her eyes open, they stared wide seeing nothing. Her breath was coming in broken spurts but much worse was the buried pounding between her legs.
    What would it be like to let Hunter have her?
    Would it be simply sex, primal and without thought beyond immediate satiation? Or would it evolve into lovemaking which the strumming of her blood told her that she could both lose and find herself in?
    She squ eezed her legs tightly together, the ache retreated deeper but didn’t go away. She couldn’t stop a shiver of sweet pleasure which came from the friction. She rocked under the sensation and now she was beginning to yearn for it.
    Yester day had brought this about. She desired Hunter but hadn’t wanted to. Had fought against it but it had happened.
    Now he knew it.
    Would he use his power to force her to the altar or would he have the courtesy to wait for her to decide?
    Her eyes glittered with customary determination. She wouldn’t wait for him to decide her life.
    Hastily she slipped on shorts and a shirt over her wet bikini.
    Hunter Roades was about to get an unexpected visitor.
    “Are you fucking kidding me?” Hunter glared daggers at Joseph who lounged beside a cavernous window.
    “Those beams are an inch too thick,” his statement cracked like thunder in the belly of the house, silencing the pounding hammers, drawing all eyes to him and Joseph.
    “ Joseph, please explain why the support beams are thicker than specified?”
    “Because that’s the si ze they’re supposed to be,” Joseph replied unconcerned, splaying his legs apart, hands on his lean hips, defiance leaking from his eyes.
    For a moment Hunter couldn’t believe his ears. Not trusting his voice he stared stupidly at Joseph, who returned his stare with disinterest.
    Hunter’s inner voice screamed at him to remain where he was but he shoved it aside and took a step closer to Joseph.
    He had an extra inch or two on the man , but Joseph stood his ground and there was an unmistakable leap of anticipation in his black eyes. Joseph obviously wanted to prove something but he wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
    Hunter reigned in a portion of his fast rising anger. “Joseph, the last time we discussed this issue, I gave clear instructions-”
    Joseph reared back onto the balls of his feet, his eyes narrowed and his broad face contorted with disdain, “yeah … yeah,” Joseph waved dismissively, “but your measurements were wrong, these support beams are exactly the size they’re supposed to be,” he said blandly, his eyes saying much more as he dared Hunter to refute his claim.
    Hunter rolled

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