Through this though, I met my current long-term boyfriend who was different than the rest. I love him dearly and the sex was good…but only for four months.
We’ve now been together for two years and within the last year and a half we have had sex once. This devastated me for more than a year, leaving me in tears every night sure that it was because I was awful in bed or my body wasn’t adequate. We eventually learned however, that because of childhood trauma he wasn’t able to connect on a physical level after a serious emotional connection was made. I still feel cheated, even today, but we are both seeking therapy and I’m sure that eventually we will get back into the swing of vanilla sex. I’m okay with once-in-a-while plain ol’ sex, and I have my debauched past to thank for that. I’ve been there, done that, and while it’s hard, my current boyfriend is worth the wait. And that night when I do get laid, well, that will probably seem like the best sex of my life.
Kinky Girl
Lucky Girl
I’m a Silicon Valley marketing person with an MBA who came of age in the 1990s.
I've been kinky as long as I can remember.
In my professional life I'm a very ambitious, smart, take-charge person. In my sexual life, I want to be dominated, bound, controlled and used.
In kindergarten, I would play tie-up games with my friends. It wasn't sexual, in a post-pubescence sort of way that it later became, but I liked it. I preferred to be tied up, but would dutifully switch off as needed to keep my friends interested in the game. I have no idea what gave me the idea in the first place.
I was an advanced reader, and in junior high I started going through my parents' bookshelves and found all sorts of pulpy historical fiction. I specifically remember a book about Anne Bonney, the pirate, and a scene where she was tied to the bed and teased. In junior high, I had a friend who would come over for sleepovers, and we’d come up with all sorts of stories that involved us being tied up and helpless.
I masturbated a lot as a teenager. At one point I tried to see how many times I could come in a row. I think I got to seven before I became tired out. My reading material was still limited largely to romance novels and pulpy historical fiction, and it turns out there’s plenty of (gently) kinky sex in them, but at some point I picked up the A. N. Roquelaur e Beaut y books. Not sure how I heard about them. My mom at some point looked at the books when I was buying them and made some negative comment. Nowadays my mom brings u p Fifty Shades of Gre y over lunch conversation.
I didn't date in high school (I was young), and really looked forward to college.
My first boyfriend in college – first semester of freshman year – was also my first sexual partner. Unfortunately, he laughed when I told him I wanted to be tied up. A few years later, when he was dating a friend of mine, I noticed handcuffs by his bed. He apologized for laughing at me. The first time I had sex wasn't particular enjoyable, in fact I think it took two or three tries before we really ‘had sex’ because it hurt. We're still friends.
My second and third boyfriends weren’t kinky, not as far as I know, but at that point I was kinda scared off of telling people. I was in college in the early 1990s, when Usenet was active, and I spent a lot of time reading and I still have quite a collection saved from those days! So even though my relationships weren’t kinky, my fantasy life certainly was!
Then I started dating a guy who was kinky. Unfortunately he was also a controlling, abusive asshole, though it took me too long to figure that out and even longer to do something about it. We starting dating the spring semester of my sophomore year, then through the summer, then we moved in together for junior year. We went to play parties and did some relatively soft public scenes