
Golden by Joely Sue Burkhart Read Free Book Online

Book: Golden by Joely Sue Burkhart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joely Sue Burkhart
detail! The feathers and jewels are such a unique touch to the design. I would love to have such a gown, but alas, neither my nurse nor I are accomplished with the needle.”
    Lies, again, but I was curious to see if she knew about the stitching I’d done for the Emperor. I had kept my gowns simple though well made—the better to highlight my golden eyes—in direct contrast to her lavish embroidery. I would be remembered for more than fanciful butterflies stitched on my silks.
    “How strange. The chief eunuch told me that the new robe hanging in His Majesty’s chambers was embroidered by none other than you.” The Empress took a bite of her pastry and licked her sticky fingers, shocking me with her manners. “Come now, dear, you and I both know you aren’t as dim-witted as you’d like me to believe.”
    I held my eyes so wide open that they ached. I allowed my bottom lip to quiver slightly. “I have no idea what you mean, Your Majesty. If I offended you with my silly prattling, please forgive me. My nurse always says I talk too much. I once asked her how to make a sword, and we practically lived in the smithy for weeks while I learned everything I could about metal shaping and warfare. I’m single-minded that way. Once my curiosity is roused, I’m unable to stop until I know everything there is to know.”
    The Empress didn’t bother to try and hide her knowing smile. “Indeed, I am quite the same, Daughter, and I find you very curious indeed. I can’t help but wonder why the Emperor is so fond of you.”
    I let out a trilling laugh. “His Majesty is fond of the grandchildren he hopes to gain from me, and nothing more.”
    “Now that would be truly miraculous. You haven’t been to the Crown Prince’s chambers in months.” She finished her pastry and brushed crumbs from her lap like a peasant. As if I would not have the experience or knowledge to recognize such poor manners. “Somehow I don’t see any grandchildren in the Emperor’s future.”
    No, but I see a son.
    The image rose unbidden in my mind of a healthy, strong son with gleaming golden eyes bouncing on the Emperor’s knee. The very same vision I gave myself each and every night as I fell asleep.
    “Do you know where I’m from, Daughter?”
    “Of course, Your Majesty. Everyone knows of your esteemed family. Some still argue that they should be on the throne instead of the usurpers.”
    Even though the usurpers had taken the throne three generations ago.
    “So you can imagine how crucial it is for the Emperor to have me at his side. How soothing my presence and strength as Empress might be to my people.”
    She did not need to explain the intricacies of political power to me. The Emperor would find it difficult to dispose of her without causing his three strongest rivals for the throne to unite against him in rebellion. He could not rid himself of her without causing a war, unless she died of natural causes. Any overt action against her would require his immediate and forceful retaliation.
    But her intentions against me were not nearly so confined.
    She watched me with narrowed eyes dark with intent. Poison waited on this table. I could almost smell it. She’d eaten the pastry but neglected to drink her tea, but that told me nothing. She would have simply ingested the antidote prior to coming to my chambers.
    The same as I had done.
    Yet the risk tightened like a noose about my neck. If I’d assumed incorrectly and she’d used some other poison…
    Courage. I cannot protect my son if I’m unable to make a decision for fear of making a mistake.
    “The Imperial Family is very lucky to have such a venerable lady at its helm.” I gave her my sweetest smile, even though she saw through such a thin disguise. She expected me to play the country peasant, overwhelmed by her brilliance and too stupid to know the danger. “I’m overwhelmed with your generosity, Your Majesty, and honored that His Majesty saw fit to give me to his son. I never

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