Golden Erotic Tales (volume one) (episodes 1, 2, 3, and 4)
had never heard of the
Kingdom of the Lost.
“Stop being dramatic,” Xavier said, blowing
her a kiss. “She tends to get carried away, sometimes.”
“A trait you adore,” she said,
He took her hand and resumed walking.
Lela and Eldrich let them walk ahead a few
steps before pacing forward.
Eldrich leaned into Lela’s ear, “I don’t
trust them. Something is off about them. Once you’ve eaten, we’ll
take our leave.”
“We can go, now,” she whispered.
“No, love, you need to eat and besides we
have already accepted their invitation.”
“Once you get to know us, you’ll like us,”
Zel said.
    “Don’t worry, she can’t
hear your whispers or read your thoughts,” Xavier said. “Aside from being dramatic,
she’s also a bit insecure and can’t stand anyone not liking her.”
He kissed Zel on her forehead and said, “Right, my
Giggling, she shoved him. Puckering her
lips, she said, “Kiss me.”
And he did.
“They’re distracted,” Lela said. “With your
    “Hush… she may not be able to hear us but
something tells me he can,” Eldrich said in a whisper.
Just then, Xavier stopped kissing Zel and
winked at Eldrich and Lela.
“Come, up head is our home,” Xavier said,
pointing to a tall, circular structure which resembled the prison
towers of Barmoth.
Their home was a prison tower!
Lela bit off a nail and then another.
Reaching the tower, Eldrich said, “If we
may ask, is it custom for a prince to live in a tower in your
Xavier laughed. “Of course not. I don’t
reside here all the time. This is actually Zel’s home, but since
I’m here often I guess I think of it as mine as well.”
“Is she your prisoner?” Lela asked,
instantly regretting her question.
Zel burst into laughter. “Why yes, of
course. He’s the prince of the Lost and I’m his eternal prisoner.”
She licked his bare chest and bit down on the cross hanging from
the chain around his neck.
“Later, love, later,” Xavier said. Then he
opened the door to the tower. “The stew smells delicious. I’m
Zel followed him inside and waved Eldrich
and Lela over. “Hurry up,” she said.
Once they were all inside, she shut the
door and said, “It’s a long way up.”
Eldrich gave Lela a nudge forward to the
spiral staircase. Upon placing her hand on the rail, she realized
the staircase was made of golden hair.
Xavier started climbing; Zel followed and
then Lela.
“I won’t let anything happen to you,”
Eldrich hushed into Lela’s ear.
Up the golden staircase they went. Eldrich
could have been at the top in a second and Xavier, well, she knew
he could fly. Yet, neither one of them was willing to expose their
As Lela continued to ascend, she recognized
that her life was about to change again. And she was
Breathless and feeling pain on each side of
her stomach, Lela finally made it to the top of the staircase. She
was the only one out of breath and in pain.
“Come sit down before you faint,” Zel said,
taking her hand and leading her to a chair.
Lela was sure she was going to vomit.
“Breathe,” Eldrich said, his hand on her
Xavier disappeared into another room and
three seconds later reappeared holding a cup. He brought it to her
lips and said, “Sip slowly.”
She couldn’t resist swallowing the cup’s
contents all at once which caused her to cough and gag.
“You disobeyed,” Zel said. “Does she always
do things as she wants and not as she’s told?” she asked
“She’s not a child,” Eldrich said.
He was not amused and Lela worried he would
lose his judgment and attack Zel and Xavier. Without knowing where
they really were or what these two creatures were capable of,
Xavier could fly and she guessed he was also strong and Zel, well
the long haul up the stairs didn’t affect her in the least bit,
there was a possibility that Zel and Xavier could overtake and
really harm Eldrich.
“I feel better. My, the

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