Gorgeous Consort

Gorgeous Consort by E. L. Todd Read Free Book Online

Book: Gorgeous Consort by E. L. Todd Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. L. Todd
genuine smile that reached her eyes. She was suddenly in a much better mood, like life had steamed inside her body and healed her. Like a wilted flower brought back to life with water and sun, she held herself high and proud. “Well, thanks.”
    “No prob.” I kept eating, noting the sudden change in atmosphere. We were slightly hostile to one another before but now there was a comfortable connection between us. I studied her face while I ate, and even though she knew I was watching her, she didn’t make a comment.
    “Want to see my portfolio?” she asked.
    “You carry it with you?”
    “It’s online,” she explained.
    “Oh, yeah sure.”
    She pulled out her phone then pulled up the website. “Scroll left. It shows all the apartments and houses I’ve done.”
    I sipped my soda while I browsed. I wasn’t visually creative, and I always wore t-shirts and jeans because that was the only level of style I had. But I was immensely impressed by her work. Each residence had a unique style like it was carefully crafted for the owner’s needs. “You have are a real talent, Harper.” I handed the phone back.
    She smiled. “Thank you. And thank you for not calling me sweetheart.”
    “It’s temporary,” I teased. “Don’t get used to it.”
    She put her phone back in her purse. “It’s astounding what people will spend on an interior decorator. It’s so much fun and it’s something I would do for free. The fact people are willing to pay someone to go out and spend their money is beyond me.”
    “At least it worked out in your favor,” I noted. “Do what you love and never work a day in your life.”
    “Wise words, grasshopper,” she said in an Asian accent.
    I smiled because she sounded so cute in the attempt. “I just bought a beach house in Connecticut. You want to decorate it?” I was the laziest person in the world when it came to decorating a house. Only the bare minimum was there now; the couches, TV, and bed.
    Her jaw dropped and her eyes were wide. “Are you fucking serious?”
    I tried not to laugh at the shocked expression on her face. “Yeah.”
    “Like, oh my god, I would love to.”
    Her excitement was infectious. For some reason, her happiness gave me happiness. “But I’ve got to be honest. I have no idea what I want so I’ll be difficult to work with.”
    “I’ve had worse so don’t worry about it,” she said quickly. “This is so exciting! When do you want to start?”
    I shrugged. “Whenever you want. You probably should see the house first, right?”
    “I would love to!” She was a whole new person when it came to her passion. She was bright and bubbly, not sarcastic and moody. I liked both sides of her, but I particularly liked this side.
    “Cool. You want to go tomorrow?”
    “Yeah, that’ll be fun,” she said. “But I don’t have a car. I’m assuming you do?”
    “Yep. It’s an essential for my job—showing up in a fancy car.”
    “Awesome,” she said. “When do you want to pick me up?”
    “I’m off tomorrow so it’s up to you.”
    “How about noon?” she said. “I do most of my work in the morning.”
    “That’s fine with me,” I said. “I sleep until eleven anyway.”
    She didn’t make a jab at my laziness like I assumed she would. She took out a piece of paper and a pen. “What are the dimensions for your house?”
    “You think I know that off the top of my head?”
    “You know the square feet, right?”
    “Seventeen hundred.”
    She wrote it down. “That’s a good size. Why did you buy it, if you don’t mind me asking?”
    “Retirement. I’m going to rent it out as a vacation home. The days it’s not rented out, I can use it. It’s a win-win.”
    “Smart idea,” she said with a nod.
    “Thank you. I’m not as stupid as I look.”
    “I never thought you were stupid,” she blurted. “A little annoying and cocky, sure. But never stupid.” She gave me a teasing smile then packed her things in her purse.
    I liked seeing her

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