is) and envious of others. This is one of the reasons why children who have become entitled get so upset if they are told that they cannot get the expensive new tablet computer because it costs too much money, or because they have not earned it. They are programmed to want more.
A child who has been bitten hard by the entitlement bug feels that they MUST have the new tablet computer in order to be seen as an equal by their peers. They have a tendency to believe that what others have (even models in commercials) is superior. They must have it in order to be acceptable, worthy and okay.
Of course, once they have the new computer, they will quickly move on to the next that makes them fit in better, or gives them status among their friends. Being unsatisfied with what one has, and always coveting the possessions of others, is a downward spiral toward life dissatisfaction. It’s also a problem that tends to intensify with age.
Gratitude Action When an entitled child feels that their situation is inadequate, they will always look for a better situation, believing that one will come along. Teach your child how to be grateful for what they have and where they are, now.
In adulthood, those that were bitten by the entitlement bug as a child may skip from one job to the other — missing the opportunity to appreciate the experience while they have it. According to their belief system, there is always something better, they just have to wait until the world gives it to them. The trouble is, as we know, the world does not work that way.
The Truth about Entitlement
Where does entitlement come from? Surely there are many factors that affect how entitled a child feels? We ran a survey between 2012 and 2013 to find out exactly where adults believe entitlement in children comes from. The results were not what we expected.
Participants rated movies and TV as one of the leading causes, with 20 per cent of the blame, with peers at 14 per cent, teachers at 2 per cent, and “other” at 11 per cent, respectively. The main culprits, however, were PARENTS, who came in at a shocking 52 per cent. It seems that at some level, even we know how much we affect our children.
The truth is that YOU and I are the most likely cause of any of our children’s entitlement issues. That is the truth, but it is not the end of the story. We can always change our children’s behavior by adapting our own. (Sure, if your child is 17-and-a-half, you may have more limited success with beginning this program and having a huge impact. But you can certainly change how you act and react, relieving your strain and guilt, and provide the atmosphere for positive effects for your young adult—especially if they respect your judgment at some level.) It is never too late to stop, learn, and try something different.
Here is what you need to avoid in the coming days:
Your child is YOUR LIFE: It is good to make your child a top priority, but you should never devote the majority of your time to meeting their every need and desire. The world does not revolve around them, and it is important that they understand this. It will benefit our kids if they realize that we are more than child-satisfaction delivery agents.
Not allowing your child to FEEL FRUSTRATED:
When your child feels frustration, it builds character and strength and shows them that they can be okay even when they do not have everything that they want, and when theyau are not as comfortable as they desire to be. Allow your child to feel bored, irritated, or dissatisfied—it will teach them how to cope with this state, to meet their own needs, or to make do with less.
Gratitude Tip Yes, we want your child to feel frustration, but we are not suggesting that you abandon your child. We are trusting that you have equipped him/her with fantastic coping skills to deal with frustration, but if you have not done so yet, now is the time. You are already taking steps by reading this book.
Being too involved with their