Green Eyes

Green Eyes by Amanda Heath Read Free Book Online

Book: Green Eyes by Amanda Heath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Heath
I think I’ve been letting you all get away with it for too long. So this is me saying no. Her privacy is more important.”
    And with that I leave the room.

    Chapter Four
    The last time I worked on a movie set, my entire life was flipped upside down. I fell in love, which was magical at the time, ended up pregnant and lost my way for a while. It still seems like I’m floating out in the vast sea, lost and alone. I have Marley and Talia, but it’s not the same as having girlfriends and a life. I don’t really miss having a life, not in this industry. All the partying and drugs. It’s nice not to have a constant hangover anymore.
    ‘Amnesia’ by 5 Seconds of Summer plays softly in the background while I study my lines. Though I’m more lost in my thoughts than I’m reading my script. Aaron was like fireflies at the brink of dusk in our backyard when I was growing up. Jason and I used to chase them around and around. We’d trip and fall into the soft grass and we would laugh. We would laugh until our little tummies hurt. Beau would sit on the back porch steps spread out like a cover model. He was ever the cool guy. Claire didn’t like to get dirty but I caught her peeking through the windows at us. Jason and I were always more carefree than our older brother and sister.
    Aaron being Talia’s father.
    He made me laugh constantly. I couldn’t remember a time that I had laughed so much, except for those nights with the fireflies. Maybe it was all an illusion but I loved smiling constantly. I loved that he made me feel that way. He reached down deep inside me and brought out the person I wanted to be. For once I was happy and I wasn’t worried about the past or what was going on around me.
    Maybe I should have been.
    I feel like I was living life through the lens of a camera. I was focused on one thing and while other more important things were going on, I didn’t see them. Not until they smacked me in the face. I was such a stupid fool and my daughter will forever live with the consequences.
    Our children are supposed to start out with their slate clean. They aren’t supposed to have to live with our mistakes. Those kinds of things shouldn’t affect them. Yet, I made the biggest mistake of my life and Talia is the one who gets hurt by it. She has all her little friends and they all have daddies. She wants to know where her daddy is but I can’t tell her. I can’t tell her a damn thing about him. I can’t tell her how we fell in love and for a time we were happy together. I can’t tell her momma was stupid and followed her heart when she should have followed her head.
    At the end, it was ugly, between Aaron and I. It was so ugly. Hateful words and nasty looks. I yelled, I threw things at him and the last time I saw him I told him he’d be in my daughter’s life over my dead body. I signed a contract that made it so. It broke something inside of me to sign that contract but I did it anyway. For Talia, I would do anything and intermittently we have to make decisions we wish we didn’t have to. I might have caused pain because of her absent daddy, but honestly, I doubt he would have been in her life even if I hadn’t signed that contract.
    That contract though, it also protects her. It protects her from the media. It’s why I’m so tight lipped about the father, because legally, I’m not allowed to tell anyone. If it got out though? The media would attack me; they would attack my daughter with their lies and their truths. They wouldn’t care what it did to Talia or me. We wouldn’t have a choice but to let the whole world hear how I screwed up. It’s better this way, to stay quiet about it.
    “Alexis?” someone calls, making me blink out of my thoughts. I turn around and find a smiling girl standing by the door.
    “Hello,” I say politely, having no idea who she is.
    “I’m Mary Grace, MG for short. I’m a production assistant, so you’ll probably be seeing a lot of me.” Her

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