Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence

Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence by Marcus Johnson Read Free Book Online

Book: Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence by Marcus Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Johnson
it fired at the
immobilized enemies and destroyed them with ease. When the Grey fleet went to
encircle the Siren, the Artemis fired a pair of arrows to clear the area. The
remaining enemies pulled back to regroup while the Siren led the mobile suits
back to the two ships. The smaller vessels returned to their previous positions
to defend the Freedom and Daevoni.
    “That’s all I’ve
got for now,” Seles said.
    “Your plan
worked great,” Mira said.
    “It was
excellent commander,” Kyli said.
    “Yes, but it
only held off the first wave,” Seles said.
    “The first wave
was enough,” Brian said. “We can take care of the rest.”
    The Freedom and
Daevoni carved their way through the enemy ships with explosions all around
    * *
    The bridge crew
of the Freedom worked away as the battle continued. Brian turned around and
took the helmet for his exoskeleton armor off the captain’s chair.
    “What are you
doing?” Jesela asked.
    “I’m going to
find something out,” Brian said. “Myden, look after things while I’m gone.”
    “I will,” the
Grey said.
    Brian locked the
helmet into place and gravity jumped outside. He spotted the nearest Grey
carrier and sent out a signal for the others to not attack it. Using his
special sight he found his way inside until he reached the command center.
Hundreds of Greys ran about in a panicked state while he cut them down with his rakna blade. When he was alone with a single Grey he quickly closed the
door behind them and grabbed the creature.
    “Now my enemy,
show me everything,” Brian said as he tore through the Grey’s mental defenses.
    “You’ve come,” a voice echoed
in Brian’s mind.
    “Of course,” Brian answered. “What are you thinking of doing?”
    “The seeds will
die first,” the machine god said. “Then one by one every race you know will fall. I’m
saving humanity for the final act. Enjoy the carnage Brian the Warrior!”
    The sound of
laughter filled Brian’s mind. When he tried focusing he saw a vision of the
Viken homeworld being destroyed. With it flashed the vision of a dozen
different worlds of races on the verge of joining the Confederation being
destroyed. He staggered back when the visions repeated with laughter coming
with it. He lifted his sword and stabbed the Grey in the head. After throwing
it to the ground he stumbled out of the room and gravity jumped back to the
Freedom. He smiled under the helmet as he fell over and drifted into
    * *
    After two thirds
of their ships were destroyed the remaining Grey ships gravity jumped away.
Both ships and the Artemis and Siren returned to normal as they moved back into
a standard defensive formation.
    “That wasn’t
easy,” Seles said.
    “No it wasn’t,”
Mira added.
    Myden appeared
on their monitors. “Seles, Mira, we need you back on the ship. Brian did
something foolish and it would be best if he was treated as soon as possible.”
    “We’re on our
way,” Seles said. “Kyli, you and the others are to stay out here for now.”
    “Of course
commander,” Kyli said.
    The Artemis and
Siren landed on the Freedom a moment later. In the launching bay Jesela was
ready for them.
    “Should we use
them?” Jesela asked as the two headed for the floor.
    “I think so,”
Mira said.
    “They worked in
the first battle, so let’s do it,” Seles said.
Jesela said. “All mobile suits within our organization will be equipped with a
Novaguard using Grigon’s system within the week. Of course, it’s two for the
special units.”
    “Thanks Jesela,”
Mira said as she ran to sickbay.
    “By the way,
what did he do?” Seles asked.
    “He used his
dimensional thing to enter one the carriers and pumped one of them for information,”
Jesela explained. “The scans say he’ll be alright, but Myden looked concerned.”
    “I hope he got
something worth the trouble,” Seles said. “Well, I’d better get to the bridge.
And as for the

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