Grim Reaper 01 - Embrace the Grim Reaper

Grim Reaper 01 - Embrace the Grim Reaper by Judy Clemens Read Free Book Online

Book: Grim Reaper 01 - Embrace the Grim Reaper by Judy Clemens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Clemens
in, breathe out. In. Out.
    “Ma’am? Are you all right?” Stacy’s voice held a tinge of panic.
    Casey lifted her head and managed a small smile. “I’m fine. Thank you. Just tired.”
    “If you’re sure…”
    Casey put her head back on her hand, this time tilting her face away from the inquisitive librarian and toward the monitor. Could Stacy see the screen? She snuck a peek toward him. No. Wrong angle.
    Casey focused her attention on Pegasus, going to the bio for the company’s owner, Dottie Spears. Same smile, same glossy hair-do. Same exact photo as last time. Casey clenched her jaw, making the same unfulfilled promise she always made—to never go to that web site again.
    A crick in her neck called her to sit up straighter, and again she regretted her night at The Sleep Inn. Leaving the Pegasus web site behind, she typed in parameters to find a bed and breakfast in Clymer, if there was such a thing. And there was. One. The Nesting Place.
    Hmm. Sounded a bit out there, but it was the only place in town, and the pictures of the renovated Queen Anne looked appealing. Casey grabbed one of the scrap papers and sharpened golf pencils from the basket by the computer and wrote down the address. It was worth a try.
    In the midst of writing, she stopped. Did she really want to get involved in this town? In that play? In the soup kitchen?
    She wasn’t sure.
    Tucking the paper into her pocket, she went back to the search engine and typed in Ellen… What was her last name? She pictured the garage sale announcement. Ellen Schmucker? Snyder? Schneider . She hit Return.
    A wide array of Ellen Schneiders filled the screen, and Casey realized she’d made the search too wide. She added the words, “Clymer,” and, “Ohio,” and tried again.
    This time it became clearer, and she was presented with several articles from local papers about the untimely death of the young single mother of two.




    Casey frowned at the tabloid-style headlines, and clicked on the first article, dated the earliest.

    Ellen Schnieder, 31, was found dead in her home yesterday afternoon when her neighbor, Mrs. Bea Tilly, stopped by to ask about the Schneiders’ dog. “I’ve never seen Griffey in such a state,” Mrs. Tilly told this reporter. “He’s always such a calm little fellow. It was like he was trying to tell us something.”
    And it seems he was. Entering her neighbor’s unlocked front door, Mrs. Tilly found Griffey’s owner slumped onto the kitchen table, an empty coffee mug and a spilled bottle of prescription pills in front of her. “All I could think was that I needed to do something before the children came home,” Mrs. Tilly said. “They didn’t need to see that.”
    They didn’t. By the time Schneider’s children were released from school, law enforcement had closed off the scene, and the new orphans were in the custody of their grandparents. The Schneiders, Ellen’s parents, were unavailable for comment.
    “I’ve never seen anything like this here in Clymer,” Police Chief Denny Reardon said. “I can’t comment on what happened, but can assure you it is under investigation.”
    The town of Clymer is eager for answers. “It’s horrible that she could do this, if it really is what it looks like,” Clymer resident Becca Styles said. “Everyone loved Ellen, she was so level-headed, so the idea that someone like her could make this choice is scary.”

    Casey looked up from the screen. Becca Styles? Could this little town have more than one Becca? Probably not. And with the small population it wasn’t that strange that Becca would be quoted. Especially if she and Ellen were involved in the theater together.
    The article finished with a promise for up-to-date news, and Casey moved on to the next.

    When HomeMaker CEO Karl Willems performed last December’s

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