Grime and Punishment

Grime and Punishment by Jill Churchill Read Free Book Online

Book: Grime and Punishment by Jill Churchill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Churchill
means the cleaning lady must have started it between the time I was there and the time Shelley got home. Everybody had already brought their food and gone when I went over at quarter to three.“
    “Still, I need the names of the people who were there and when.“
    “Oh, all right. Let me think. Dorothy Wallenberg brought a sheet cake early in the morning.”
    “A sheet cake?“
    “You know, the kind that’s done in a big, flat pan. You don’t have to ice the sides or worry about it not rising evenly or—”
    VanDyne wasn’t interested in the fine points of baking for a meeting. “Did this Wallenberg woman know Mrs. Nowack wasn’t at home?“
    “I was home then,“ Shelley said. “But Jane brought the cake in for her.“
    “I see. Go on, Mrs. Jeffry.“
    “Let’s see. Joyce Greenway brought a brisket over about one o’clock. And Laura Stapler came with a cucumber and onion salad around twenty minutes later. However long it took me to cook the carrots—for my salad, you see.“
    “Who else?“ Detective VanDyne asked, not to be sidetracked with carrot cooking time.
    “Robbie Jones brought some dip and this wonderful crunchy thing she makes—whole wheat fingers.”
    The detective’s eyebrows shot up, but he resisted. “When was that?“
    “I don’t know. I didn’t see her.“
    “Then how do you know she brought them?“
    “Well, they’re there. They didn’t just materialize,“ Jane snapped. These quibbling interruptions were irritating
    “No, I mean, how do you know she brought them, and not somebody else?“
    “She always does. And the dip was in her funny, discolored Tupperware bowl. I always think I could get the stain out if I could get my hands on it. I had one like that, and soaked it overnight in—“
    “Mrs. Jeffry!“
    “Yes. I guess that is beside the point. But you asked.“
    “All right. Assuming you can tell who was there by the food, who else had been there?“
    “Well, there was a pasta salad I didn’t recognize. Everybody’s making pasta salads these days.“
    “That was Suzie Williams,“ Shelley put in. “She lives next door on the other side of me. She called and told me she was anxious to try out a new recipe.“
    “And there was a potato salad in a huge orange ceramic bowl with white flecks,“ Jane added. “I’ve seen it before. Who does that belong to, Shelley?“
    “Mary Ellen Revere.“
    “Of course. She lives across the street.”
    “Is that it?”
    Jane could see out the window. “Yes...“ she said slowly as she watched a gurney with a covered shape being wheeled out to the ambulance. A man in coveralls the same blue as the cleaning lady’s pant suit was walking alongside.
    Jane suddenly felt sick again, but it had nothing to do with the murder victim. She was thinking of Steve. He must have been taken away like that, his face covered. But it had been the middle of the night, freezing and snowing. And instead of lush, green lawn, there must have been only twisted metal, bent guardrails, ice-coated pavement, and blood everywhere. Steve’s blood and the truck driver’s, probably steaming in the frigid night air at first, then crystallizing on the snow.
    And he’d had nobody to walk beside him.


    “Mrs. Jeffry, could you give me addresses for the women you’ve mentioned? I’ll have to contact them.“
    “What—? Oh, yes, of course.“ Jane dragged herself back to the present. What was going on now was bad enough; the past was unthinkable. She got her address book out from the drawer beneath the phone and started recording the information on a notepad.
    “I’ll take you home anytime you’re ready, Mrs. Nowack,“ Detective VanDyne was saying. “Do you need anyone called? Your husband—?“
    “No, he’s out of town. So are my children. I’ll phone him later this afternoon when things—when I’ve calmed down. Uh—about that room—the guest room—?“
    “It’s all right. Death is sometimes very messy. This one wasn’t,“ he said,

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