Grimoire Diabolique

Grimoire Diabolique by Edward Lee Read Free Book Online

Book: Grimoire Diabolique by Edward Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Edward Lee
Tags: no tyme for meat
appraised the long stripe of black water from the road, trying to drive normally. “I saw two cops on the other side.”
    “They were just roosting,” Frankie felt confident. “Eatin’ donuts and reading the funny papers. They’ll go back on patrol soon. Let’s just kill some time, drive around a while.”
    “Frankie, we got a fuckin’ torso in a suitcase in the back seat. I’d kind of like to get rid of it as soon as fuckin’ possible, know what I mean?”
    Frankie nodded, seeing the logic. “Fuck, you got any Demerol, Nick? I’m all out and I need a bang.”
    “Wait till we get back to the compound. And you better pray that Vinch believes our story ’cos if he don’t you’re gonna need a shitload of Demerol for when that kooky doctor starts doing the job on you.”
    “Fuck. I definitely need a hit.”
    Nick pulled a u-turn, a sudden endeavor occurring to him.
    “Where we going now? Those cops ain’t left the canal yet.”
    “The Kwik-Mart,” Nick answered. “For Wet-Naps.”
    “Wet-Naps? We goin’ for ribs?”
    Nick frowned. “No, we ain’t goin’ for ribs. We—or, I mean you —gotta wipe down everything we touched.” Nick pointed to his head. “Think, Frankie. That suitcase has our prints all over it, and so does Spooky.”
    “Fuck.” Frankie seemed disgruntled. “I don’t wanna wipe fingerprints off her fuckin’ corpse with Wet-Naps.”
    “I don’t give a fuck what you don’t want. You got us into this mess, so you’re gonna do the job. I ain’t spendin’ the rest of my life on Riker’s with some guy named Luther usin’ my asshole for a place to party. I can’t believe how bad you fucked this up.”
    “It wasn’t my fault, Nick.” Frankie was pouting now. “She asked for it. She shouldn’t oughta have said those things to me.”
    Nick pulled a Demerol tab from his pocket, showed it to his cohort. “You wipe down the bitch’s body and then you can take your bang.”
    “Hey, thanks!”
    The front of the Kwik-Mart shimmered in neon. There were only a few vehicles in the parking lot: a mint-condition ’68 350 small-block Camaro that had been oddly spray-painted black, an old red pickup truck, and a gold Dodge Colt with a P.I.L. sticker in the back window. Nick and Frankie loped inside, Frankie beginning to sweat out some early withdrawal. “Shit, yeah!” Nick bellowed in the store. The man behind the counter, who wore a turban and bore a suspicious resemblance to the late Ayatollah Khomeini, jumped an inch off the floor at Nick’s celebratory outburst. What was Nick celebrating? There was a little television behind the counter, the Yankees game on, and somebody named Giambi just hit a grand slam. The score was now 15 to 1.
    And it was only the sixth inning.
    “I knew that big boat anchor was good for somethin’!” Nick railed happily. Frankie shrugged, wishing for a mainline. They bought Wet-Naps and big coffees, and as they headed back toward the Caddy, Nick said, “You know, Frankie, I’ve got a really good vibe about tonight, even after all the shit that happened with Spooky.” He shook his head hopefully. “When the Yankees beat the shit out of Baltimore, great things happen.”
    “Uh, yeah,” Frankie replied, scratching himself. “I need to take a bang.”
    Nick dropped his coffee when he reached to open the car door. It splashed all over his shoes.
    “Nick,” Frankie asked. “What’choo drop your coffee for?”
    Nick didn’t answer. Instead his eyes rolled up into his head and he fainted, toppling to the pavement.
    Frankie looked into the back seat and noted at once that the suitcase was gone.
      “—two grand slams in the bottom of the ninth inning against the generally automatic Mariano Rivera,” the tinny voice announced. “Yes, folks, it’s a record-setting comeback as the Baltimore Orioles beat the New York Yankees, 16 to 15!”
    Callused fingers, tinged in green light, snapped the old Philco radio off. Spooky

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