Ground Truth

Ground Truth by Rob Sangster Read Free Book Online

Book: Ground Truth by Rob Sangster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rob Sangster
right. Before long, water will be the hottest commodity in the world. The first water wars have already started between nations, cities and states, farmers and manufacturers, and the rest, over who owns water rights. Everyone will be suing everyone for destroying water resources.”
    “Exactly. My goal is to be ready to represent our clients. Damn!” He pointed at the Bay. “Look at that schooner out near Alcatraz, flying like a bat out of hell.” He looked back at Jack. “Where was I? Oh yes, so that’s what you can expect. On the big ones, you’ll report directly to me. Understood?”
    “Yes, of course.”
    He hadn’t known what to expect from Sinclair, but he certainly wasn’t getting much respect. Still, he reminded himself, signing on with Sinclair & Simms was the best move he had right now. The California Supreme Court would still be an option when the vacancy came up.
    “That’s it then. I’ll put the word out that I’m your godfather, and I’ll do whatever I can to help you succeed. One warning, and hear me well on this. If something comes up later that makes you a liability to the firm, I’ll have to cut you loose. It’s just business. Capisce?”
    Oh, yeah, he got the message . “Nothing else will come up, Mr. Secretary.”
    “I wish I were still ‘Mr. Secretary.’” He looked out the window. “Those were good days. People don’t talk about patriotism anymore, not fashionable I guess. But I’m the biggest flag-waving patriot you’ll ever meet. I’ve always done what’s best for my country.”
    Sinclair picked up an envelope and handed it to him. “This contains the terms of your employment. Your salary is triple what it was at the law school. You come in as a partner, but on probation until I see how you do.”
    They shook hands, ending the meeting. Jack walked down the long hall alone.
    Probation ? Sinclair had treated him like he’d just passed the Bar exam yesterday. Instead of a leisurely conversation with the famous politician and superstar lawyer, he’d gotten a monologue and disrespectful dismissal. He should have tossed the envelope on the desk and salvaged his pride. But Sinclair was a big name, and S & S was the only ticket he had to the big show. Somehow, he’d make it pay off. He’d be damned if he’d let Peck destroy his Supreme Court dream.
    Number three elevator waited, door open.
    BACK ON THE Stanford campus, Jack walked into Dean Thompson’s office and dropped his letter of resignation on the desk. He didn’t sit, and Thompson didn’t stand. Thompson scanned the letter and looked up. He had to be worried that Jack was going to tear into him. As soon as he sensed that wasn’t Jack’s intention, he relaxed. If he was embarrassed by having denied Jack the chairmanship of the department, he concealed it behind a grave look on his smooth, round face. He thanked Jack for his service to the law school and started a blatantly insincere attempt to get him to reconsider leaving. He stopped in mid-sentence when he saw the dark expression on Jack’s face.
    The meeting lasted less than three minutes, and even that was too long for Jack.
    When he left his office for the last time at the end of the week, the halls were empty. Everyone was in the city or the wine country or at the beach. Without a single person to say ‘good-bye’ to, he left the only professional home he’d ever known. He didn’t feel as if a new dawn was breaking. He felt more like there were black clouds overhead, that a thunder and lightning storm was about to cut loose.

Chapter 10
    June 12
    10:00 a.m.
    IT WAS JACK’S sixth day at Sinclair & Simms. He was working in an office full of expensive furniture and no personality, like a place kept for lawyers visiting from out-of-town. He’d hung the obligatory diplomas and certificates and added his three-foot-square Cibachrome print of Simba, but had done nothing more to make this place his own.
    Peck had committed suicide less than two weeks ago, and

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