Hard Rock Stepbrothers The Complete Series

Hard Rock Stepbrothers The Complete Series by Anita Lawless Read Free Book Online

Book: Hard Rock Stepbrothers The Complete Series by Anita Lawless Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anita Lawless
get a call from Chief Pritchard this morning.”
    Sally shook her head, reached out and massaged his thigh through his jeans. “Oh, we’re clean. Our trail is spotless. Trust me, Fayette. You worry too much.”
    He smiled, thinking I hope you’re right , but he left his worry unspoken. It wasn’t that he doubted Sally’s skills in avoiding detection. She was an ace cop. It was that he feared the gnawing sense of doom growing in his gut.
    Mickie’s cell phone trilled out a mechanical tune ten seconds before her alarm clock blared. They dueled in a digital cacophony before she slapped the alarm with a loud thwack and answered the cell with a groggy, “Hello?”
    “Malloy? Where the hell are you?” There was no mistaking the cigar-scarred growl of her boss, Edward Monroe, editor in chief of the Saint John Gazette.
    “I’m in bed, boss.”
    “Well get out of bed, get yourself dressed, and be at the office in ten minutes.”
    As per his usual, he hung up before she could say “yes, boss,” or “goodbye.”
    She hopped in her cherry red PT Cruiser and arrived at the office in twelve minutes. Mr. Monroe scowled and tapped his watch when she entered.
    He was a tall, wiry man who’d always reminded Mickie of the actor Keith Carradine. His hair was the same dark blond now turned silvery, and he even had the same receding hairline. He pinned her with dark brown eyes as she sat in the chair opposite his desk.
    “I got you a lead on your story. You can thank me by taking me to lunch.”
    Her eyes widened. “The cop cocaine ring? I’m back on it?” Her heart slammed against her ribcage in anxious hope.
    Mr. Monroe popped a cigar in his mouth and gave a small smile around the fat stogie. “Yup, you’re back on it. I pulled you a favor with a friend over at the station. He’s gonna let you go undercover as his new secretary. You’ll have first crack at all the information on this case, but one catch: he gets first read of anything you write up, and he gets final approval of anything we plan to print.”
    Mickie chewed on a thumbnail while she chewed on this news. “I can’t thank you enough, Mr. Monroe.” He waved off her gratitude before she added, “Who’s your friend?”
    “The Chief of Police.” He lit the end of his cigar and the smoky scent of blackberry filled the office. “Let’s just say I saved his life one time and he owes me a favor.”
    Mickie couldn’t contain herself. She leapt from the chair, threw her arms around her boss’ neck, and gave him the biggest hug as she gushed another “thank you.” The older man squawked, but he brusquely hugged her back and mumbled, “you’re welcome.”
    Sally’s cell phone chirped just as Hunter knocked on the guest bedroom door to see if she wanted breakfast. His fist paused and he listened. He had a pretty good idea who was on the other end. The bomb he’d expected was about to drop. He thought about knocking still and going in, but he knew Sally. She liked her privacy in tense situations like this. If he went in now, he’d only make things worse on her, so he waited and listened, feeling like a heel for lurking behind a closed door.
    “Hello?” She had a deep, sexy voice, but it trembled now like a timid little girl spoke. “Hey Chief. What’s up?”
    It was Sally’s day off, and the chief had enough officers scheduled for duty today he wouldn’t need her to come in. There could be only one reason Chief Pritchard was calling, and Hunter knew the reason all too well.
    She spoke in monosyllables now, and Hunter could barely hear her.
    “Uh-huh.” A lengthy silence. “Yes, I understand, sir. I’ll be at the station in half an hour.”
    Hunter waited a moment then knocked lightly.
    “Come in.” Sally sounded shaken, and his heart squeezed in his chest at the sound. A protective streak made him wish he could just scoop her in his arms and hug her tightly.
    When he entered she turned to face him, and she looked so forlorn he opened

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