Hart's Passion (Pirates & Petticoats Book 2)

Hart's Passion (Pirates & Petticoats Book 2) by Chloe Flowers Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Hart's Passion (Pirates & Petticoats Book 2) by Chloe Flowers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chloe Flowers
Tags: Historical Romance, charleston, romance and adventure, pirate romance, Keelan Hart, Landon Hart, Keelan Grey
of her fingers. A slight blush suffused the maid’s cheeks.
    “Slaney, if you are safely gone, then I can concentrate all my efforts on getting Keelan away. If I have to worry about the both of you…” He shrugged his shoulders in a gesture of helplessness. “Miss Keelan and I shall meet you aboard the ship. We have to wait until we can slip out unnoticed, which will likely be late tonight when the house is abed. We can move faster with only two.”
    Keelan’s heart tugged with affection for the two people who’d cared for her for most of her life.  
    She added to Daniel’s logic with her own. “Slaney, I appreciate your loyalty, but in case I don’t make it to the ship before she sets sail, someone has got to get to Wind Briar and retrieve the chest Papa spoke to me about. I need those papers inside if I am going to find my real father. If Uncle Jared’s instructions to auction everything are carried out first, I might never get a chance to read them.” She handed Slaney an envelope. “Here are letters of recommendation to help you find employment and give you permission to stay with your sister at Wind Briar.”
    Slaney's shoulders slumped in defeat. “All right then, I’ll go on.” She pulled her hands away from Daniel’s and then shook a finger at him. “Ye best bring her safely home and yerself too, or ye’ll be answerin’ to me.” She sniffed and rubbed her nose.
    Keelan held out a small purse. “Your passage has been paid. The receipt is inside, along with enough coin to get you to Wind Briar. Go now. Daniel told Simon to gather your trunks and wait for you in the stables. I want you away before Jared finds a reason to detain you.”
    With a soft sniffle, Slaney circled her arms around her in a warm hug. Keelan held her tightly and kissed her cheek.  
    “Everything will be fine. You’ll see. Don’t worry.” Her own words sounded meager, even to her.
    With forced bravado, Slaney smiled. “I’ll go then.”
    “God speed, Slaney,” Daniel said.
    Slaney let out a choked sob and then threw her arms around Daniel’s neck. He stood stiff and shocked for a second then hugged her fiercely and kissed her forehead. “We’ll see you soon.”
    Slaney pulled away and wiped her eyes with the corner of her apron. With a last wave, she slipped from the room.  
    Keelan prayed she would see her again.  

    A loud commotion broke the post-dawn silence downstairs and Simon slipped up to whisper through the door that Doreen had run off with Doctor Garrison and Master Jared was furious. Sarah was still in a state of shock and Ruth was on her way to the herb garden to make her a special tea.  
    Keelan nervously paced in her chamber. Now, the afternoon sun had begun to warm her room, and still no sign of her uncle.  
    She waited out the day in solitude, thinking of Landon’s broad shoulders, clear blue eyes, strong arms, and urgent lips. Damn her naïveté and her weak, weak heart. And damn his stubborn, impetuous temper. How could he believe she would choose Everett Garrison over him? Was he not convinced of her affections? She had told him she wanted to be with him. She had agreed to elope with him. A single thought rose to the surface of her mind.
    I’ve never admitted to him that I love him.
    Admitted. As if it were a crime. What was wrong with her? Was her pride so powerful that she could only admit to herself the effect Landon had on her heart?  
    A key clicked in the lock, and drew her away from her musings. The door opened to reveal Uncle Jared and Simon. Her uncle entered the room with short agitated steps. “Your maid has disappeared. Your father’s valet has refused to tell us her whereabouts. He claims he doesn’t know where she went.” His scowl made Keelan’s belly twitch with fear for Daniel. “I expect he’s lying. Where has she gone?”
    Keelan’s mind jumped quickly to various explanations which might keep Daniel out of trouble. Slaney went to the apothecary, for…what? Slaney

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