Life's a Witch

Life's a Witch by Amanda M. Lee Read Free Book Online

Book: Life's a Witch by Amanda M. Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda M. Lee
up with something that’s embarrassing but not so destructive that it will tip off Winnie, Marnie and Twila that you’re responsible?”
    “What’s the fun in that?” Aunt Tillie’s face was blank.
    Landon sighed. “Can’t you … I don’t know … curse her to be nice?”
    Aunt Tillie stilled. “I … huh.”
    “Oh, that might be fun,” Thistle said. “You could make it so she can say only nice things.”
    “I like that idea,” Clove said. “Although … .”
    “I knew you would be the one to be a baby about this,” Aunt Tillie muttered. “What’s your problem now?”
    “I don’t have a problem,” Clove protested. She was always the first to get nervous right before a big spell. “I think if Aunt Willa is a B-I-T-C-H, we should definitely curse her with that spell.”
    Landon glanced over his shoulder. “Who are you spelling for?”
    “She doesn’t like to swear,” Thistle replied. “She has a Mary Sue complex.”
    “I do not.” Clove crossed her arms over her chest. “I just don’t think it’s necessary to be crass.”
    “Well, I’m going to side with Clove on this one,” Landon said. “Not about the spelling thing; that’s weird. I do think you should have a plan in place for Willa if she’s going to be a … pain. However, I would prefer you didn’t cast the spell until we feel her out.”
    “I prefer going on the offensive before she hits town,” Aunt Tillie countered.
    “I know you do,” Landon said. “Don’t you want to know what she’s doing here first, though?”
    “What do you mean?”
    “She’s coming for a reason,” Landon said. “I agree with you that no matter why she pretends she’s here, she has ulterior motives. If you cast a nice spell on her, she might not tip her hand to what that is. I, for one, want to know what she’s up to.”
    “You have a devious mind,” Aunt Tillie said. “I like that. Still, I want to make sure we’re prepared. We should come up with a list of spells and make sure we have all of the ingredients we need from the store before we go.”
    “You know we don’t keep any of the hard herbs here,” Thistle said. “If you want the big dogs, you’ll have to cut them from your own greenhouse.”
    “Fine,” Aunt Tillie said, rolling her eyes. “We need a list, though.”
    “Let’s get to it,” Thistle said, grabbing a notebook from the end table. “Why doesn’t everyone shout out their favorite spells and I’ll write them all down. Then, when we have everything nice and tidy, we can cross off things we don’t like.”
    “I like the bacon spell,” Landon announced.
    I made an exasperated sound in the back of my throat. “Do you really want Aunt Willa to go around smelling like bacon? You know she’s not going to find it funny if you lick her face.”
    Landon scowled. “That’s disgusting. I want you to smell like bacon again.”
    “Well, you’re the only one.”
    “I want you guys to smell like bacon again, too,” Marcus admitted, averting his eyes when Thistle glared at him.
    “No,” I argued. “I hate that spell.”
    “I’ll make them smell like bacon again when this is all over with if you guys help me this week,” Aunt Tillie offered.
    “How is that a reward for us?” Thistle challenged.
    “I didn’t say it was a reward for you, fresh mouth,” Aunt Tillie replied. “I just think the boys should earn a fun day for themselves if they help me.”
    “I’m starting to like being on Aunt Tillie’s side,” Landon said, slinging an arm over my shoulders. “Let’s start the list. The faster we win, the faster I get to lick Bay’s face.”
    I opened my mouth, a harsh retort on my lips, but was cut short by Sam’s arrival. He had two huge bags of food and a nasty look on his face.
    “Hi, honey,” Clove said, hopping to her feet and scampering to his side. “Thank you so much for doing this.”
    “Did you guys start without me?” Sam was angry. “I drove two hours to get you people lunch and you

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