Heart of the Wolf

Heart of the Wolf by D. B. Reynolds Read Free Book Online

Book: Heart of the Wolf by D. B. Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. B. Reynolds
opened to extract a
. Turning, he held the disc up for Ren’s inspection, then slid it into a player and picked up a remote to turn on the wide-screen monitor hanging on the wall next to the book case.
    “I think you’ll find this interesting, Roesner.”
    Curious, Ren joined the other man in front of the screen as a video began to play. It was a bedroom with expensive furniture and satin sheets, or maybe silk. It was hard to tell in the dim lighting. A woman was there, pacing back and forth in obvious agitation, hands fisted at her sides, her slender figure obvious, despite the pair of loose sweats she was wearing. The woman stopped abruptly, her hands coming up as her body curled into itself, shoulders rounding, head bowed as if in pain. A low, keening sound filled the room, and she fell to her knees, her back arching so sharply Ren could hear vertebrae popping. He froze in disbelief as he registered what he was seeing. The woman was Wolf, and she was about to shift on camera.
    Clearly aware she was being filmed, the woman kept her back turned, concealing her identity as the shift took control of her body. She screamed, her voice filled with anger as well as pain, her body contorting as it took on its new shape, the loose clothing shredding and falling away.
    A full moon, Ren thought.
    It had to have been the night of a full moon. She’d never have done it otherwise. Not if she had a choice.
      “Don’t you recognize her?” Westgate said softly, his eyes glued to the video.
    Ren gave the other man a sharp look before studying the video more closely. On-screen, the female wolf spun around and snarled at the camera. Ren’s breath caught in his throat. Kathryn. It was Kathryn. He fought back the howl of rage that threatened to choke him.
    “Interesting, don’t you think?” The video froze on Kathryn’s face. “How much do you think the lovely Mrs. Avinger would pay to keep something like this private?”
    “She was trapped in that room,” Ren growled, fighting for control.
    Westgate gave him a chiding look. “Of course. Look at her, Roesner. She’s an animal. Preston had to deal with this monstrosity every full moon,” he said, lifting his chin to indicate Kathryn’s snarling visage. “Clichéd, I know, but quite true. He was terrified when he discovered what he’d married. But even then, he didn’t divorce her.”
    “Why not?” Ren demanded.
    Westgate shrugged. “A cynic would say it was the money. And there was a generous prenup, of course, but no court would have held him to it, given the circumstances. But Preston was a very vain man, and Kathryn is quite beautiful. Most of the time, anyway. He loved walking into a room with her at his side and knowing every other man there was watching with envy, wondering what it was like to tap that lovely ass anytime he wanted.”
    Ren fisted his hands to avoid strangling the man to death. “Have you shared this”—he gestured at the video—“with anyone else?”
    “Oh, no, of course not. It’s not only her reputation at stake, it’s Preston ’s, too, and he was a friend. But I thought as long as you’re investigating, your client might find this interesting. I know who you are, Mr. Roesner.” Ren doubted that was true, but Westgate was still talking. “I know you’ve been brought in from out of state to pry into this whole matter, although I don’t know who’s paying you—not yet anyway. I don’t suppose you’d like to share?”
    Ren gave him a cold stare.
    “No, I didn’t think so. Goes with the job, I suppose. In any event, I’m sure whoever’s paying you is interested in dirt, and this is certainly dirty, wouldn’t you say?”
    “Are you saying this is for sale?”
    “Everything’s for sale, Roesner. Even you, or you wouldn’t be here.”
    Ren held perfectly still, afraid if he moved even the tiniest bit, he’d kill the asshole for sure. “I’ll need proof for my client,” he said, complimenting himself on his calm.

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