Hearth and Home

Hearth and Home by E.T. Malinowski Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Hearth and Home by E.T. Malinowski Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.T. Malinowski
    Thistle couldn’t catch his breath. It was as if Bayberry stole it each time he said something indicating his desire. It made Thistle wonder what Bayberry said while he fucked someone, and he so wanted to find out the answer to that question. “I… I want that too.” Thistle moaned as he tilted his head back to rest against Bayberry’s shoulder, giving Bayberry greater access to his flesh. “If you don’t stop, dinner will be ruined.”
    “Decisions, decisions.” Bayberry chuckled before giving a particularly sharp, but not too painful, nip. He stepped back and released him, much to Thistle’s dismay.
    If he wasn’t such a lover of food, Thistle would say to hell with dinner and jump Bayberry right there in the living room. As he turned to continue to the patio located in the middle of the garden, Bayberry took his hand. Thistle looked down at their twined fingers and his heart beat faster.
    “Thistle, this is beautiful,” Bayberry said as they paused in the arched arbor leading to the open area where Thistle had their table set up. “Did you do all this?”
    “Well, I designed it with my Gran’s help. My parents helped with the masonry, but Gran and I did the flowers and bushes. Do you like it?” Thistle was hesitant to ask such a question. He didn’t want to sound as if he were fishing for compliments.
    “I love it,” Bayberry said. “My place is so… impersonal. This… this speaks of love and family, and… home.”
    Thistle smiled but didn’t say anything more. He didn’t need to. The pleasure and awe in Bayberry’s voice was enough to let him know how he felt. He escorted Bayberry to the table and had him sit. As Thistle turned to retrieve their plates, Bayberry caught his hand once more. Thistle held his gaze as Bayberry brought their combined fingers to his lips. It was such a simple kiss, and yet it seared Thistle to his core. Slowly and very reluctantly, he withdrew his hand and hurried into the house.
    “Oh my goodness,” he said with a shaky breath. “I can never breathe normally around him. He keeps doing things to make me lose it!” Thistle wet one of his dishcloths with cool water and patted his face with it. When he felt he was relatively calm, Thistle picked up their plates and walked back out to the patio.
    Bayberry greeted him with a bright smile.
    Thistle returned it as he took his seat. “I hope you enjoy dinner.”
    “I’m sure I will.”
    An awkward silence hung between them for the first few moments. Then Bayberry took a bite, and Thistle watched his eyes close in what appeared to be outright pleasure. Warmth filled Thistle, and as he watched Bayberry eat, he finally understood what his Gran meant about hearth magic. He was meant to take care of people. No, not people—a person. And not just any person— this person: Bayberry. He was meant to make a home with Bayberry. Would Bayberry see it the same way? That was the question, wasn’t it?
    D INNER WAS perfect. The wine and dessert were perfect. Thistle was perfect. Bayberry grinned as he watched Thistle bustle around, tidying up. He had attempted to help, but was quite firmly told to sit his “scrumptious ass” down on the couch. Since the command was followed by a sharp slap to said ass, Bayberry had done what he was told. He found he liked watching Thistle do things around the house. It just seemed right. Thistle was the type of elf someone made a home with. He wanted to be that elf. It was so… out of the blue, sort of. He’d always liked Thistle, liked his sweet charm and earnest desire to help.
    Lost in his thoughts, Bayberry didn’t hear Thistle’s approach.
    “I thought you might like another glass of wine. It’s really rather good,” Thistle said softly as he held out Bayberry’s flute.
    Bayberry shook his head to clear his thoughts and accepted the glass. “Yes, thank you. Now I see why Mrs. Claus asks you to help out in the kitchens so much. Everything was amazing, and the

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