Intimate Persuasions

Intimate Persuasions by Nicole Morgan Read Free Book Online

Book: Intimate Persuasions by Nicole Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Morgan
not like they were in love or anything. At least she didn’t think so. Sure, she was ridiculously happy whenever he was around. And making love to him was—woah, wait a minute. Making love? They started out with just an urgent need to fuck each other senseless. Why would she now be thinking of making love? Oh crap! She was falling in love with him. Which of course meant that he would soon turn into a loser. Just like Larry and Brett. Great! And she was having such a good time too.
    “Hello in there. Where’d you go?” He asked because of her faraway look.
    “Sorry, I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. What did you have in mind?” Play it cool. Don’t let on that you have feelings for him. That’s when they start to change and stop appreciating you.
    “Actually you had it right. Live with me. Move in with me.” He was dead serious and none too happy when she started to laugh.
    The intent way he was staring at her was making her nervous. She had to do something to break up the heaviness of the mood. So she started to giggle, as though he actually was joking. Although she was all too aware from the look on his face that he didn’t find it funny at all. “I’m sorry Quinn. Were you being sincere?”
    If she had smacked him clear across the face he didn’t think it would hurt as much as her humorous outlook on something that was so   important to him. “Yeah, I was. But nevermind. I get it.” He stormed out of the room in all of his naked glory.
    Oh no, her nervous reaction had caused her to act stupid, which now has only made him angry. She ran in after him. “Quinn, I’m sorry. I seriously thought you were joking around.”
    “Clearly.” He pulled his pants up, forgetting about his briefs and sat in the chair to pull his boots on.
    He was leaving. It wasn’t that he was just leaving, but that he was leaving angry. Never a good combination in a man. Or a woman for that matter. “Quinn, please don’t go. I’m sorry.”
    How could she tell him that she had laughed out of fear? If he knew how she really felt, she would surely lose him. Whether it was to other women, or lack of respect, it would happen anyway. It was inevitable. It had happened with both of her previous boyfriends. And if it happened with two others, than surely it would happen with—wait. Suddenly she remembered an old expression. Something about the third time being the charm. Could it be true? She better decide quickly, because he had just pulled on his t-shirt and was heading for the door.
    “Quinn, stop! I panicked okay.   It’s because I was scared, can you try and understand that?” There she’d said it.
    Quinn stopped in his tracks. He was standing in the doorway, ready to walk out when he heard her. He turned to face her. “Scared about what?”
    Ann rolled her eyes and looked up at the ceiling while expelling a huge breath. She looked back at him and went to sit on the edge of the bed.
    Quinn watched her. She looked torn up about something. He closed the door and went to sit next to her. He wished she didn’t look so damn sexy in that towel. Because he was still a little mad at her. And it was really hard to stay mad at someone when you wanted to ravish them. “What’s wrong? Did I push too far too soon?”
    Ann looked at him and laughed. “I’m sorry. I never realized how silly I get when I get nervous.”
    Quinn couldn’t help himself. He pulled her to sit in his lap and held her. “Did I make you nervous when I asked you to move in with me?”
    She nodded. “I’m sorry. I just don’t want to screw this up.” Looking up at him she said, “I really like you.”
    This time Quinn laughed. “Well, I should hope so. We have sex every day.” He laughed harder but was forced to calm himself. She looked so serious.
    “No. I mean I really like you.” She shrugged. “And I have a history of screwing up a relationship every time I really start to like someone.”
    He didn’t like that. He didn’t want her

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