Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations

Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations by Sid Roth Read Free Book Online

Book: Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations by Sid Roth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sid Roth
human being with all my faculties—yet I did not have a flesh and bone form.
    My next thought was,
Where on earth am I?
because I could feel the most intense evil pervading the darkness surrounding me. It was as if the darkness took on a spiritual dimension. There was a totally evil spiritual presence that started to move toward me. Although I still could not see, I sensed something looking at me out of the darkness. Then to my right came a voice that yelled, “Shut up!” as if it could hear my thoughts. As I backed off from the voice, another one from the left shouted, “You deserve to be here!” My arms came up to protect myself and I asked, “Where am I?” A third voice replied, “You’re in hell, now shut up.” Some people think hell is just a big party, but I tell you it’s going to be pretty hard to grab your beer down there when you can’t even find your face!
    I stood there in that blackness long enough to put the fear of God into me for eternity. But at the moment of deepest blackness, a brilliant light shone upon me and drew me straight out. It was not like walking, but being translated up in a supernatural way. As I was drawn up into the light, it seemed to touch my face and encase my entire being, as if it had pierced into the deepest darkness and pulled me out. God told me later that if I had not prayed that death-bed prayer in the ambulance, I would have stayed in hell. Thank God for His grace and mercy that hears a sinner’s prayer even in the last seconds of his life—though I do not recommend taking the risk of waiting that long.
    Looking back, I was able to see the darkness fading on either side, and could feel the power and presence of this light drawing me up into a circular opening far above me, like a speck of dust caught up in a brilliant beam of sunlight.
    Almost immediately, I entered the opening and, looking down the tunnel, I could see the source of the light. The radiance, the power and purity that was flowing from it was awesome. As I looked, a wave of thicker, intense light broke away from the source, and came down the tunnel at incredible speed as if to greet me. A wave of warmth and comfort actually went through my entire being, and I felt the most incredible, soothing feeling I have ever experienced.
    About half way down the tunnel, another wave of light broke off and came toward me. When it touched me, I felt the most wonderful peace go right through me, in exactly the same way as before. This was total peace. In my past, I had sought peace in education, sports, travel, in almost every avenue possible, yet it had eluded me. This, however, was a living peace that seemed to remain as this light left its deposit within me.
    Previously, in the darkness, I could see nothing. But now, in the light, to my amazement, I saw my hand was like a spirit form, full of white radiant light, the same light that was coming from the end of the tunnel. I wanted to go; and as I began to move, another wave of light came, pure joy and excitement enveloped me.

    It looked like a white fire, or
a mountain of cut diamonds
sparkling with the most
indescribable brilliance.

    What I saw next blew my mind. It looked like a white fire, or a mountain of cut diamonds sparkling with the most indescribable brilliance. And yet, as I stopped at the end of this tunnel of light, to the left, right, and above me, everywhere seemed totally filled with this iridescent light, reaching to the extremity of my vision, out into infinity. I wondered for a moment if there was a person in the center of this brilliance, or whether it was just a force of good or power in the universe.
    A voice came out of the light and said, “Ian, do you wish to return?” I could not work it out for the moment.
Return where?
I thought. But as I looked back over my shoulder and saw the tunnel going back into darkness and thought of the hospital bed, I realized I did not know where I was and the words came from me, “I wish to

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