Hell Is Coming (The Watcher's Series Book 1)

Hell Is Coming (The Watcher's Series Book 1) by N.P. Martin Read Free Book Online

Book: Hell Is Coming (The Watcher's Series Book 1) by N.P. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: N.P. Martin
even if it was only on video, was a little too much to bear after everything else. After a few minutes, when I got control of myself again, I restarted the video. “So I’m spending one more night at home and then I have to go,” my mom said, the sound of her voice unbearably intimate inside the car. And was she in the lockup I had just come from? I recognized the weapons in the background. She was. “Your father doesn’t know. No one does. It’s the way it has to be.” She paused while she lit a cigarette. Something else I didn’t know about her. “So this is for you, Leia. If Catherine kept her word, you should be eighteen by now. You should be noticing the changes, seeing the demons. You’re probably freaking out right now, but don’t worry, it’s all normal, at least for our kind.”
    “Our kind?” I said to the screen.
    What did that mean?
    “By now you’ve seen the lockup and everything in here. You know I’m not a private detective, right?” She gave a small laugh. “Ridiculous, I know, but it was all I could think to say the day you asked me what I did for a living. I thought it might explain why I was away so much.” Her dark eyes seemed to burn through the screen at me. “I’m sorry about that, for not being around as much as I should have been. This life we have…it’s hard to be a mother. Maybe one day you’ll find that out for yourself.”
    I seriously doubt that.
    “Anyway, you probably figured out by now that you aren’t normal, not like everyone else anyway. And you aren’t. Neither is Josh. You’re both Nephilim. As crazy as it sounds, you have angel DNA in your system that activates certain powers when you turn eighteen. Seeing the demons is just the start of it. After that you’ll experience a whole host of physical changes…improvements you might say. You’ll get stronger, faster, more agile. You’ll develop fighting abilities. You’ll even heal quicker. It’s kinda cool actually, but you’ll also become a soldier in a war that’s been raging since humans first walked the earth and that can suck sometimes. Lord knows it can suck…”
    I was shaking my head, trying to comprehend what she was saying. She sounded nuts, actually reminding me of the woman from that movie Terminator 2 , the one who tries to convince everyone that machines will end the world one day. My mom had the same crazy zealousness to her. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe her. I did, as much as I was able to anyway, but it was a lot to take in. She was practically telling me that my life as I knew it was over. What was I supposed to make of that?
    “We’re known as Watchers,” she continued. “We’re here to watch over the humans, to keep them safe, or try too anyway. Doesn’t always work out though, as you’ll find out one day. More importantly we’re here to watch over the demons and the rest of the evil in this world, to keep it from stepping out of line and breaking the laws of the universe, which unfortunately, is what evil does all the time.” She gave a tight smile. “It keeps us busy. Before long you’ll be doing nothing else but chasing after those bastards.”
    So now I’m a Watcher? Suddenly I’m half angel? WTF!
    I didn’t think things could get anymore stranger. I guess that meant art school was out.
    “You need to contact someone, a person I should have told you about but didn’t, for various reasons that I’m not going to get into now.” She looked away from the camera for a second. “Things happen, that’s all I’m going to say. Anyway, you have an Uncle. His name is Frank. He’s your father’s brother.”
    “What?” All that time growing up in foster homes and I thought we had no one.
    “Frank is a Watcher too. He lives in a cabin in the mountains outside the city. You’ll find the directions in the journal I left for you, on the back of his picture. Contact Frank, tell him he owes me. He’ll show you and your brother what to do.”
    I grabbed the journal

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