Her Ancient Hybrid

Her Ancient Hybrid by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Her Ancient Hybrid by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
the small window in it, Brolach saw people moving around on the other side. He turned his attention back to the man. He shared enough of Waverly’s features Brolach guessed he was her father.
    “Hi, Dad,” she said as she kissed the older man’s cheek.
    “Waverly, what are you doing here? Not that I’m unhappy to see my daughter.”
    “I wanted to introduce you to someone.” Waverly reached back and took Brolach’s hand. She tugged him closer so he stood at her side. “This is Brolach. I told him about the job opening here.”
    Waverly’s father looked Brolach up and down. “Nice to meet you, Brolach. I’m Trevor. I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.”
    “I’ve only been here since yesterday.”
    Waverly jumped into the conversation once again. “Brolach is from Nebraska. He’s just moved to Lemmon.” She paused. “I guess you could say he’s my boyfriend.”
    Trevor turned his gaze on to his daughter. “Your boyfriend? How did you two meet? It couldn’t have been that long ago since it was very recent when you broke up with James.”
    “Brolach and I met online. He decided to make the move so we could meet in person and be closer to each other.”
    “Did he find a place to live yet?”
    “He’s staying with me.”
    Trevor scowled, then looked at Brolach. “Just give Waverly and I a few minutes to talk.”
    Waverly’s father took hold of her arm and steered her through the door behind him. Once it shut, Brolach followed them with his gaze as they moved a short distance from it. With his sensitive hearing, he was still able to hear everything they said.
    “Waverly, what are you thinking?” Trevor asked. “You met this man on the Internet, and when you see him for the first time in person, you’re letting him live with you? I think you’re taking an awful risk.”
    “Dad, it’s fine. I know it sounds crazy, but I trust Brolach. He’d never do anything to hurt me. Plus, he’ll make sure James stops bugging me.”
    “Well, that’d be a good thing. I don’t like how attached James is to you, even though you’re no longer together. He came in here yesterday looking for you. He knows you don’t work Saturdays.”
    “Let’s just say he found me and Brolach set him straight. I doubt James will come around asking for me again. So will you give Brolach the job?”
    Trevor glanced through the window. Brolach met the other man’s gaze. If Waverly’s father said no, he wouldn’t feel bad about compelling him to change it to a yes answer.
    Waverly’s father appeared to think it over before he nodded. “All right, Brolach can have the job, only because you asked me. That way it’ll also give me a chance to get to know your new boyfriend. He can start tomorrow on your shift.”
    “Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it. We’ll be here. Tell Mom I said hi.”
    Waverly gave her father another kiss on the cheek, then walked through the door to join Brolach. He fell in beside her as she kept walking.
    “You have the job,” she said.
    “I know. I heard.”
    She glance at him and shook her head. “I forgot how good your hearing is. Then you know you start tomorrow.”
    “Yes.” He decided to keep the compelling option he would have used to himself.
    As they reached the door, it was opened by a man on the outside. Brolach took a deep breath, recognizing the stranger’s scent as that of a werewolf’s. Their gazes met and held. The other man’s nostrils flared as he scented Brolach. The stranger’s eyes slightly widened and a shocked expression came over his face for a split second before he smoothed his features once more.
    “Hey, Cameron,” Waverly said with a smile.
    “Hi, Waverly,” Cameron replied. “I don’t normally see you here on Sunday.”
    Waverly nodded in Brolach’s direction. “I was getting my new boyfriend, Brolach, a job. He moved here the other day.”
    Cameron glanced at Brolach before his gaze settled on Waverly again. “I guess I’ll be seeing him a lot since

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