Her Hero

Her Hero by Helen McNeil Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Her Hero by Helen McNeil Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen McNeil
his thinking. “What’s that.” Before she could hide it. He had swiped her sketch pad from next to her elbow.
                  “No. Please. Don’t.” Panic and vulnerability slapped her hard and Stacy fought to control herself. In her mind she saw herself wrestling the pad from him but then her thoughts took a left turn. The dangerous thought, of just how that wrestling match would end, helped her to remain seated.
                  She watched biting her nails as he flipped though it without a word or expression. Pausing from time to time he took a closer look. Stacy felt her breakfast threatening to come up, until he put the pad down and then started eating his own breakfast in silence.
                  The suspense was killing her, then she realised he had no intention of telling her what he thought.
                  “Okay, okay. What do you think?” He smiled slightly as he lifted his face and deliberately placed down his fork.
                  “You tell me the most dramatic thing to happen in your life. The death of your parents and how that has affected you but your afraid to show me your talent. What’s with that?” He was actually laughing at her.
                  “You think I have talent?” For some reason it was important that he like her work.
                  He looked at her like she were mad, “Are you fishing for compliments.” And then he let out a belly shaking laugh that lasted as long as her OJ.
                  Coughing, he straightened up and became very serious.
                  “So how many publishers have you shown your character to?”
                  Oh, god he had seen her project. Stacy had no intentions for anyone to see that. Like the Watchmen the character was an anti-hero. The whole thing was just too embarrassing. Too close to reality. Stacy had created the office temp super hero after her encounter with Horatius in the lift.
                  “No one. Besides it’s not finished.” Stacy was now playing with her food.
                  “You should. Although I am a bit disappointed I’m the side kick. You could at least give me a power like your character, instead of just being the bankroller of the operation.” He pouted childishly, but without seriousness.
                  “Actually why don’t I publish your comic.” He didn’t see her look of horror as he stood and started pacing, “Yes I think that’s what we shall do. Branch out. It might even give my rep a much needed boost...”
    He stopped his inner monologue and smiled at her with a knowing sympathy.
                  “No way!”
                  “Why?” His mouth was in twitch mode. Sadly not successfully stifling his smirk.
                  “No one will buy it.” Stacy was getting desperate and she heard it in her voice.
                  “You won’t know ‘til you try.”
                  “Yes but.”
                  “But what?” He was pushing her and she felt her rational reasoning seem ridiculous.
                  All the years on the road drawing, sketching. It was hers, her escape, her therapy and he wanted to expose her to the scrutiny of the world.
                  Horatius, no longer smirking sat and took her hand.
                  “Look. If you really don’t want to publish it, then fine. But if your saying that because you’re scared of being rejected, then don’t.” She hesitated as she acknowledged the truth in his words. “Listen. You hate being a secretary...”
                  “Personal Administrator.” she corrected.
                  He paused only to give her a scathing expression, “If you love drawing why not make that

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