Her Pregnancy Surprise

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Book: Her Pregnancy Surprise by Kim Lawrence Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Lawrence
woman who demanded and got male attention. No, Megan’s legitimate grouch was the fact he wasn’t fulfilling his end of the bargain. Her acting as an introduction agent for him, a fact she had every intention of pointing out, was not part of the deal.
    For a moment her angry eyes met his before her lashes swept downwards and she turned and backed away.
    ‘Calm down, chérie’ He laughed, catching her arm and swinging her back.
    Her shrill, ‘I am calm!’ made him laugh again.
    ‘Not so as you’d notice.’ The first time he’d seen her he’d wondered what she would look like without her upper-crust reserve intact and he had had ample opportunity to find out today. ‘Unreasonable and ratty is actually not a bad look for you.’
    Something in his voice brought Megan’s eyes back to his face. ‘I am neither unreasonable nor ratty!’ She regarded him with simmering dislike. ‘I just don’t like wasting my time,’ she enunciated clearly.
    ‘I haven’t been wasting anything.’
    His patronising tone made her teeth clench. ‘Certainly no opportunity to chat up anything in a low-cut top.’ And if he thought that cleavage was natural he was in for a nasty shock.
    ‘What we’ve established tonight is that you mind me showing an interest in another woman.’
    His smugness made Megan want to scream.
    ‘Your reaction was perfect,’ he commended calmly.
    ‘I didn’t react,’ she told him frigidly. Actually, now that she reviewed her behaviour during the interminable dinner, she had to concede that maybe her conduct hadn’t been quite as adult as it might have been, but, in her defence, she had had a lot of provocation.
    ‘God, and to think I thought you had no sense of humour. Everyone there was aware of the friction.’
    Megan inhaled deeply. ‘Friction…?’ she parroted.
    Her cheeks turned a deeper pink as she looked significantly at the long brown fingers still curled over her bare upper arm. The fingers stayed where they were. God, but he had to be the most insensitive, thick-skinned man she had ever had the misfortune to encounter! The idea of respecting personal space was obviously a foreign concept to him.
    Megan decided to bravely rise above it all. Rather than participate in an unseemly struggle, she forced herself to stand there passively even though his fingers felt like a white-hot brand against her skin.
    ‘You would have said black if I had said white. In fact I’m not sure you didn’t!’ he added wryly. ‘But don’t worry—like I said, that’s no problem. We’re going to have a turbulent relationship—a classic case of opposites attracting. I predict a lot of really epic rows in public and some epic making up too.’
    ‘If you try to make up with me you’ll end up in traction,’ she promised. ‘And actually opposites don’t attract, they end up making each other miserable. And just for the record,’ she added grimly, ‘I realise that you think you’re God’s gift, but, trust me—the only thing I minded tonight was not being given value for money.’
    ‘Well, let me remind you, chérie, that you haven’t bought me.’ His narrowed gaze suddenly turned molten silver as he scanned her angry upturned features. ‘You’re giving mesomething I want and I’m giving you something you want…or I could if you let me.’
    The suggestive drawl in his deep, musical voice sent a surge of heat through Megan’s rigid frame.
    ‘That remains to be seen,’ she gulped. Unable to bear the contact for another moment without crawling clear out of her skin, she tugged her arm free of his clasp. ‘And don’t keep calling me chérie ! I am not your darling and I have a name,’ she said, standing there rubbing the invisible imprint of his fingers on her flesh.
    ‘And claws…’ he observed in a soft, sibilant voice that made the invisible downy hairs on her skin stand erect.
    Luc’s silvered glance touched her small hands, which now hung tensely at her sides, balled tightly into fists.

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