Her Pregnancy Surprise

Her Pregnancy Surprise by Kim Lawrence Read Free Book Online

Book: Her Pregnancy Surprise by Kim Lawrence Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Lawrence
    ‘If you think this is fun you have a seriously warped mind. Now just try and remember,’ she pleaded, ‘you’re a famous author.’
    ‘I’m a famous author,’ he repeated solemnly. ‘Do you believe me?’
    ‘I know you’re not…I don’t count.’
    ‘Believe me, by the end of tonight I’ll be so good even you will believe I’m a famous author.’
    ‘Let’s not get too ambitious.’ She glanced at her watch. ‘I’ve got to get changed for dinner.’ She extended one denim-covered leg to prove the point. ‘I’ll come back for you in half an hour. Don’t,’ she added, wagging a warning finger at him, ‘move until I get here.’
    Of course he did.

    T HE French doors had been open all through dinner and the guests had drifted out onto the terrace to sip their drinks and chat. Despite the unpromising start the day had produced a perfect summer evening, warm and balmy, spoilt only by an unexpected shower, which was brief but heavy.
    Luc and Megan were caught out in the open when the heavens opened. By the time they reached the shelter offered by the leafy canopy of the ancient oak tree it had stopped raining.
    Luc, grinning, shook his head, sending droplets of water everywhere. ‘There’s something exhilarating about a summer shower.’
    Easy for him to say, she thought.
    Casting a resentful glance from under her lashes at Luc’s classically perfect profile, she pondered the unfairness that made him look incredible with his hair plastered damply to his skull. The moisture that clung to his naturally dark skin only served to emphasise the healthy glow.
    She had gone for a vintage look tonight. With a sigh she looked down with distaste at her silk calf-length skirt; it clung damply to her legs. The chiffon overskirt with its beading detail might well be ruined—pity, it had been her favourite. She could feel the excess moisture from her wet hair running in a cold trickle down her neck, she didn’t even want to think about what it looked like.
    Luc, his back set against the gnarled tree trunk, watched as she ran her hands down her bare arms to remove the excess moisture that clung to her pale smooth skin. She had great arms; like the rest of her body they were toned and firm.
    At least the cotton halter-top wouldn’t be ruined by the rain, Megan thought, concentrating on the positive. Which was more than could be said for her hair…negative thoughts refused to be totally banished.
    ‘Have you ever danced?’
    A line forming between her feathery brows, Megan lifted her head to look at the tall figure standing in the shadows. ‘ Dance? What on earth are you talking about?’ She glared up at him, bristling with suspicion.
    Luc registered the antagonistic glitter in her eyes, but didn’t comment on it. ‘You’re very graceful.’
    Megan felt her cheeks grow hot. ‘Don’t be ridiculous.’
    ‘I was simply making an observation. You carry yourself like a dancer. I was wondering if you trained at some point…?’
    ‘Me, a dancer!’ She looked at him as though he had gone mad. ‘I’m a research scientist.’
    ‘Does being a boffin preclude you having a sense of rhythm?’
    She dealt him a look of exasperation. ‘I don’t dance. I…well, I did have a few lessons when I was a kid,’ she conceded. ‘Singing lessons too. They were meant to help my asthma.’
    ‘Did they?’
    ‘Well, it got a lot better.’
    ‘You’re shivering,’ he observed as a fresh shudder ran visibly through her slender frame. ‘I’d offer you a jacket except…’ his grin made him appear almost impossibly attractive ‘…I’m not wearing one.’
    Megan watched him place his hand flat against his chest. A shaft of agonising awareness shot through her—she was conscious of every crease and fold of the white cotton that clung like a second skin to the broad expanse of his chest. She was even more painfully conscious of the shadow of body hair sprinkled over his broad chest and the suggestion of

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