Brie watched him with a soft smile. She’d bet his pack found
him intimidating. And grouchy. It was amazing how different the man underneath
that image was. Alistair veered between formal and charmingly awkward now that
he wasn’t trying so hard to get away from her. But she’d seen the other side of
him when she’d seen the huge black wolf he’d become. It would be a mistake to
forget that part of him, and of his life. Her smile faded.
Brie looked over his shoulder, out at the darkness full of wind
and snow beyond his partially drawn curtains. He might say they were safe
tonight, but morning would come eventually. And given everything he’d told her,
she could only come to one conclusion.
“You’ll leave as soon as you can, I guess. Tomorrow?”
She saw his surprise. And she saw the truth.
“I haven’t got much choice, Brie.”
Her mouth tightened, but she nodded. Protecting his pack, now
protecting her. That seemed to be Alistair’s mission in life, making sure no one
got hurt but him. It was ridiculous, the despair she felt at the idea of him not
being here. But that didn’t make it any less real. Something he’d said earlier
played on a loop in the back of her mind, refusing to let her be. That true wolf
mates had a chemistry that was combustible. Like a wildfire, she thought. Or an
explosion. The kind of thing that would have a normally nice and polite woman
sucking on a complete stranger’s finger in a dark garage. Or have a mind-bending
orgasm from little more than a passionate kiss.
The truth landed on her like a ton of bricks. No wonder he bolts every time he sees me . Alistair knew. And he had too much honor to act
on it and drag her into this.
His unguarded expression was haunted as he looked into the
fire, and Brie found watching it almost painful. He’d been alone for far too
long. She couldn’t stop him from leaving, and she wasn’t foolish enough to think
she could take on a werewolf in battle.
But she could be his, even if it was only for a little while.
Even if it was only for tonight. It was what she’d wanted since the first time
she’d laid eyes on him, Brie thought. It would be a relief to finally give in to
all those wild impulses. And now that she finally understood them, she had to
think that Alistair would feel the same.
She hoped, anyway. But there was only one way to find out. All
her nerves kicked in at once, unleashing a torrent of butterflies in her
stomach. Alistair was the definition of nobility on the surface. She would have
to get through to the wicked wolf underneath.
It took every ounce of Brie’s confidence to get to her feet and
approach him. The wary look Alistair gave her was no surprise, but she didn’t
miss the way he drank her in from head to toe, or the way his eyes began to glow
again in the darkness.
“Careful,” he said. “I bite.”
“What a coincidence,” Brie said, trying to keep her voice light
even as her heart started to pound. This was important. She knew it on a level
so deep it was impossible to question. “So do I.”
His deep chuckle was more of a groan as she braced her hands on
either side of his head, gripping the chair, and leaned down, only inches from
his face. She had never played the seductress, always too self-conscious. But
with him, it felt right. She felt...powerful. More .
“What do you want of me?” he asked, and it sounded more like a
plea for mercy. Brie couldn’t find any. So close to him, every inch of her body
was vibrating with need. If she walked away now, she could very well burst into
“Wrong question,” Brie said softly. “What do you want from me ?”
He shuddered, his eyes beginning to burn like blue flames.
“You’d run if you knew what the answer was.”
She shook her head slowly. “No. Actually, I don’t seem to be
able to get close enough to you. I have some theories on why that is, and since
there’s just you, me and a warm fire, I don’t see any reason not to
Gerry Davis, Alison Bingeman