Here Come the Boys

Here Come the Boys by Milly Johnson Read Free Book Online

Book: Here Come the Boys by Milly Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Milly Johnson
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary
    ‘And your passport.’
    ‘Well, I’ve got my cruise card. My passport is on board.’
    ‘Oh dear.’
    Suddenly it wasn’t easy again. Angie felt tremors seize her limbs. How the hell had she managed to get herself in this position? She felt as if she was going to be sick as passengers queueing up to get back on the Regal Island filed past her and turned to stare. She wondered if the words I’ve missed my ship were scribbled all over her face in black ink .
    ‘What do I do?’ A tear plopped out of her eye and she wiped it quickly away.
    ‘Well,’ began Manuel, ‘you need to buy an emergency passport from the consulate. I will ring them, but they are shut for today so you will need to do this in the morning at nine o’clock when they open. You will not be able to book a flight until you have this document. I will arrange a hotel for tonight. It’s a good hotel. Not too expensive. Maybe it will be a good idea if you share with the other lady. A taxi is on its way for her also.’
    Angie’s eyebrows dipped in confusion. ‘Other lady?’
    ‘Yes,’ said Manuel. ‘The other lady who has also missed the ship and does not have a passport with her either. You can share a room and halve the cost.’
    ‘Someone else has missed the ship?’
    ‘Unfortunately yes. Can you hand the phone back please?’
    Angie felt a weird sort of comfort that she wasn’t the only daft cow who was in this position. Safety in numbers. She handed the phone back to the official who spoke to Manuel in rapid Spanish before clicking it off and putting it back in his pocket. He gestured that Angie follow him and walked outside to a bench around the corner where the other woman was sitting and waiting, twiddling with a silver cross around her neck.
    The woman turned to her and Angie’s legs nearly gave way beneath her. Her fellow ‘daft cow’ was none other than Selina Molloy.

Chapter 9
    Seeing the ship sail away was a mindblower, but this was far worse.
    ‘You missed the ship as well?’ said Selina.
    ‘You were on the same ship as me?’ said Ange at the same time.
    They both answered yes together, but neither acknowledged that with a smile.
    ‘Well. This is a shock,’ said Selina, puffing out her cheeks.
    ‘You’re telling me.’
    Selina had aged even better than Angie had imagined. She could indeed have been Sharon Stone’s younger sister, not quite as Hollywood-stunning as the actress but slim and golden and carrying an air of earthy sensuality. Angie did think there was some evidence of medical enhancement on her face though. Her forehead was as smooth as a baby’s bum and her perfect eyebrows didn’t look very mobile.
    Angie sat down on the bench, not too close to Selina.
    ‘A taxi is coming to take me to a hotel,’ said Selina. ‘I presume it’s picking you up too?’
    Angie nodded once. She couldn’t think of a single thing to say.
    ‘Have you got a phone?’ asked Selina.
    ‘No,’ replied Angie, flatly. Even if she had, she wouldn’t lend it to her .
    ‘You can borrow mine if you like, if there’s anyone you’d like to ring.’
    Under normal circumstances, Angie would have told Selina to stick her phone up her arse. But these were not normal circumstances and she was desperate to speak to Gil.
    ‘Thank you,’ she replied stiffly, taking the phone from Selina’s perfectly manicured hand. ‘My husband’s on board.’
    Gil answered after a single ring. He was beside himself.
    ‘Darling, are you okay? I presumed you were back on board until I went down to the reception desk after hearing them tannoy your name.’ Gil’s voice was weak and cracked. ‘They’d already set sail when I asked if they’d let me get off. Where are you?’
    ‘I’m at the port. I’m fine, don’t worry,’ said Angie, trying to sound braver than she felt. ‘There’s another… lady –’ ha, lady! ‘ – here with me who’s done the same thing so I’m not alone.’
    ‘Oh Angie, I’m

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