Hidden ( CSI Reilly Steel #3)

Hidden ( CSI Reilly Steel #3) by CASEY HILL Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Hidden ( CSI Reilly Steel #3) by CASEY HILL Read Free Book Online
longest point.
    Initial visual examination of the body shows clear blunt force trauma, with several cuts, lesions and extensive bruising visible on exposed skin of arms, legs and face. There appears minimal bleeding which suggests the victim’s heart stopped beating soon after receiving visible injuries.   
    Upon removal of the victim’s clothing, an odor of damp vegetation was detected. Areas of the body were swabbed and submitted for detection. Several more cuts and bruising were clearly visible along with signs of internal bleeding. Several items of trace were removed from the lesions and have been sent for analysis. Swabs and scrapings also taken from fingernails.
    The genitalia are that of an adult female and there is no evidence of injury. Limbs are equal, symmetrically developed and show no evidence of injury. The fingernails are short in length and fingernail beds are blue. There are no residual scars. The victim’s back is approximately 80 percent covered with a tattoo of a pair of wings. Several tissue samples have been taken along with further trace from wounds including glass and metallic fragments. 
    HEAD--CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: Subsequent autopsy shows a fractured skull and jaw bone. The brain weighs 1,303 grams and within normal limits.
    SKELETAL SYSTEM: Compound fractures to left and right tibia. Pelvic fractures. Several simple fractures to right ribs 3 & 7, left rib 2. There are simple fractures in the radius and ulna of both arms along with several fingers. The amount of trauma appears consistent with an RTA.
    RESPIRATORY SYSTEM--THROAT STRUCTURES: The oral cavity shows no lesions and there are no injuries to the lips, teeth or gums.
    There is no obstruction of the airway. The mucosa of the epiglottis, glottis, piriform sinuses, trachea and major bronchi are anatomic. No injuries are seen and there are no mucosal lesions.
    The lungs weigh: right 355 grams; left 362 grams. Both lungs showed significant and unusual signs of inflammation. Swabs and tissue samples have been sent for further testing.
    CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The heart weighs 253 grams, and has a normal size and configuration. No evidence of atherosclerosis is present.
    GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: The mucosa and wall of the esophagus are intact and gray-pink, without lesions or injuries. The gastric mucosa is intact and pink without injury. Approximately 125 ml of partially digested semisolid food is found in the stomach. The mucosa of the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon and rectum are intact.
    URINARY SYSTEM: The kidneys weigh: left 115 grams; right 113 grams. The kidneys are anatomic in size, shape and location and are without lesions.
    FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEM: The structures are within normal limits. Examination of the pelvic area indicates the victim had not given birth. The victim was however pregnant in second trimester at the time of death. There is no evidence of recent sexual activity. Fetus was removed, measured, weighed and tissue samples taken before being returned to the uterus. Age has been verified at eighteen weeks. Vaginal fluid samples have been removed for analysis.
    TOXICOLOGY: Sample of right pleural blood and bile are submitted for toxicologic analysis. Stomach contents are saved.
    Cerebrospinal fluid culture and sensitivity:
    Gram stain: Unremarkabl e
 Culture: No growth after 72 hours
    Cerebrospinal fluid bacterial antigens:
    Hemophilus influenza B: Negativ e
 Streptococcus pneumoniae: Negativ e
 N. Meningitidis: Negativ e
 Neiserria meningitidis B/E. Coli K1: Negative
    Drug Screen Results:
    Urine screen {Immunoassay} was NEGATIVE .
 Ethanol: 0 gm/dl, Blood (Heart )
 Ethanol: 0 gm/dl, Vitreous
    1. One (1) white cotton dress, size Small.
    2. Samples of Blood (type O+), Bile, and Tissue (heart, lung, brain, kidney, liver, spleen).
    3. Twenty three (23) swabs from various body locations, to be tested.
    4. Eleven (11) autopsy photographs.

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