Hidden ( CSI Reilly Steel #3)

Hidden ( CSI Reilly Steel #3) by CASEY HILL Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Hidden ( CSI Reilly Steel #3) by CASEY HILL Read Free Book Online
One post mortem CT scan.
    9. One post mortem MRI.
    Time of Death: Body temperature, rigor and livor mortis, and stomach contents approximate the time of death between 9:00 and 11:00 P.M. on 14/03/2012.
    Immediate Cause of Death: Blunt force trauma due to high-speed impact.
    Manner of Death: Vehicle strike.
    Remarks: Decedent originally presented to this office as hit-and-run victim. The injuries present indicate this as most likely cause of death. There are no wounds inflicted post mortem, which suggest the victim was only struck once. GFU and case detectives were notified of these findings immediately upon conclusion of examination.
    ‘You are kidding me,’ Reilly said, partly in shock but also annoyance. It was later that evening and she was back at the city morgue, discussing the autopsy findings with Karen Thompson.
    She had examined the girl carefully; there had been no outwards sign of pregnancy, nothing showing at all. ‘How did I not spot it?’
    The ME shrugged. ‘Some women, especially younger first-time mothers, or first-time pregnancies rather,’ she corrected herself quickly, ‘don’t show until seven, maybe even eight months.’
    ‘I know, I guess …’ Reilly paused, searching for the right words to explain her surprise. ‘It just doesn’t fit my image of her. She seems so young, so innocent – beyond innocent even, otherworldly. When I examined the body it almost felt like I was handling a china doll.’
    ‘I know what you mean. I try to view the bodies I examine as dispassionately as possible too, but I agree – this girl does have an unusual air about her.’ She picked up her case notes.  ‘Based on bone growth I’d place her at around seventeen or eighteen years of age. Oh, and here’s another strange thing…’
    Karen paused, and Reilly raised her eyebrows in anticipation.
    ‘Dental records.’
    ‘Non-existent. The girl has no fillings, orthodontics – nothing.’
    Dental records were often a last resort in trying to identfy unnamed victims. Without them they were back to square one.
    Reilly sighed. ‘Damn.’
    ‘I’ve ordered hair analysis,’ Karen continued, ‘which should give us a clear picture as to what she was, or indeed wasn’t doing before she ended up out there.’  Hair analysis was an extremely effective way of testing for drugs in the system and would in essence give them a six-month pharmacology record for the girl.
    ‘Again, I’m not picturing her as a good-time girl,’ Reilly stated, but knew from experience that appearances could be deceptive.
    ‘In any case, somebody, somewhere knows who this girl is,’ Karen said.  ‘And sooner or later they'll come forward to report her missing.’
    ‘Let’s hope so.’ Reilly’s gaze rested on the comments in the respiratory section. ‘Any thoughts on the lung inflammation?’
    ‘That’s a strange one,’ the doctor replied. ‘She was suffering from silicosis –  unusual at her age – it is typically associated with somebody much older. It can often be an occupational disease, hence its other names: miner's phthisis, grinder's asthma, potter's rot, to name a few.’
    ‘Any idea at this stage what could have caused it?’
    ‘Exposure to some form of silica dust for starters, but further analysis should tell us more. Anything else on the tattoo?’
    Reilly shook her head.  ‘Not yet. We’ve sent a sample of the ink for analysis.  We should have something back in a few days.’
    ‘Well, you don’t need any advice from me of course, but if I were you, I’d be focusing my search on that tattoo.’
    ‘Our next port of call. Thanks, Karen, I appreciate it.’ As she headed through the door the doctor’s next words sailed after her.
    ‘Not now, I hope.’
    ‘What?’ She paused and looked back.
    ‘I meant that I hope you’re not going off to chase it down this minute, the tattoo I mean.’ She looked at her watch. ‘It’s after six on a Friday evening, Reilly,

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