Hidden Gem Short Story Collection (9781301405985)
left foot. He hadn’t even realized he had lost it.

    “ Tyler Chasers” storm
stage of singer’s impromptu concert
    The Durt
2 nd
    It must be heartwarming to
return to the music game and know that your fans are still as
completely deranged as you left them!
    Last night, a whopping
thirteen concertgoers were hospitalized because Tyler Chase has
been in the business of putting screechy teen girls in the hospital
since the beginning of days (or since he was sixteen, whichever you
want to go with). But this time, the medical emergencies weren’t a
result of rampant swooning or any other excitement induced fainting
– it was just a result of plain old chaos. Tyler had yet to even
finish one song before his admirers went full rabid at the prospect
of touching their beloved prince, sparking such pandemonium that
the concert was nipped in the bud – canceled in a flash with
everyone cruelly sent home without refunds.
    So much for riding out the
glory of teen-idol-turned-Oscar-nominee in style.
    Anyway, lucky for you, a
few staff members at The Durt (who will remain anonymous due to
their reluctance to admit that they are massive Tyler Chasers) were
on the scene during last night’s total madness and managed to get
some juicy, gurney-side interviews!
    Anonymous Staff Member
1 says, “Tyler seemed a little off from
the get go, not totally on his game like he normally is. At one
point, I think he was trying to say hi to fans and just got
awkwardly close to the edge of the stage. A few crazies saw their
opportunity to jump and it looked like one of those situations
where one person went in for the kill and suddenly, everyone
thought they had permission to go crazy too. It took literally
seconds and suddenly Tyler was surrounded and security was going
nuts! He couldn’t even finish his song. But for the record, I was
taking my niece to the concert. I wasn’t there for me.”
    Anonymous Staff Member
2 managed to haul her ass out of the arena
and parked herself ambulance-side to see the damage done. We
forgive her for being an over-the-hill Tyler Chaser due to her
awesome reporter-ly instincts, rushing to the injured to take
quotes before anyone could advise the girls not to embarrass
themselves by speaking. Our lovely source reports that the injuries
ranged from minor (bruises and scratches) to slightly more severe
(broken bones, possible concussions). Among the three interviewees
was apparently the self-proclaimed instigator of the
    “ I don’t know what came
over me,” said Melanie, 21. “He was just so close. I thought he
came that close because he wanted us to touch him – not in a creepy
way though.” Um, pretty sure you’re the one who made that quote
creepy, Mel.
    Said Alli, 19, who
sustained a broken finger from the fiasco: “I didn’t even feel pain
in my finger. All I could think about was how heartbroken I was
because I’ve never seen Tyler look so scared. I just wanted to tell
him that everything was going to be okay. I hated seeing him so
upset.” Then maybe don’t interrupt his set by climbing onto the
stage, Alli. I don’t know.
    Finally, according to our
source, there was Sophie, 22, the sole hospital guest who didn’t
actually make it up on stage during the debacle. “I understand
their excitement,” said Sophie. “I was excited too. The timing was
just unfortunate because the concert had only just started and it
seemed like Tyler was trying to connect with his music. But I’m
happy I had the chance to see an artist up close like that – I’m
just sad that it was such a short-lived experience.”
    Yes, we too are shocked
that there exists a levelheaded and fully coherent Tyler Chaser out
there. Props on that, Sophie. Hope you heal a little faster than
the other injured girls.

“ This is a stupid idea,”
Mike shook his head, glaring at Tyler’s manager, Corinne. She was

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