Highland Burn
carried the weight of the world on her shoulders.
    After last eve’s performance, Abigale had pondered most of the morning away as she ate stale oatcakes and picked at her black pudding. James had never returned, leaving her to a peaceful night’s rest. Why had he showed her mercy? He was her husband now; certainly he had the right to bed his wife.
    “That really is some kind of horse ye have.”
    Abigale jumped, surprised to find she wasn’t alone. James was leaning his shoulder up against the stall with his arms crossed. “Ye frightened me.” She held her hand over her chest to calm herself. “How long have ye been there… watching me?”
    “Long enough.” James pushed off the stall and grabbed a saddle nearby. “We leave for Angus soon. ‘Tis best ye prepare for travel."
    A crease appeared across her forehead. “I thought Castle Douglas was yer home?”
    “Aye, it is. Archibald, my brother, will stay here to protect it. We head north.” James tipped his chin toward the Highlands.
    “The Highlands?”
    James blew out a huff. “Aye.”
    Abigale followed closely behind as he sat the saddle down next to Fergus’s stall. As he turned around she almost bumped into him. A cold stare sent chills over her skin causing her to take a step back. One look from those eyes made her feel so small, like a wee child.
    “But it’s dangerous to travel through the Highlands.” She glanced down at her clasped hands nervously. “We would be much safer here.”
    “What’s wrong lass, are ye afraid a rogue Highlander will jump out of the woods to attack ye?”
    Abigale didn’t take kindly to being teased. Being a woman and out on her own without the safety of the nunnery walls, she was apprehensive of traveling to the Highlands.
    Abigale stood with her hands on her hips. “Ye see my Laird, I’ve only met one Highlander in my life and I’m no impressed." She looked him up and down.
    Before she knew what was happening, James had closed the distance between them. Abigale felt giant hands grip her waist as she was pulled against a hard wall of muscle. Confused by his actions, she threw her hands to his chest in protest. She did not realize the repercussions of her actions.
    As soon as their bodies connected, she felt his heat radiating off him. Amber eyes swirled leaving her breathless. She felt his cock harden against her stomach and instantly her body burned. He lowered his head. God help her, he was going to kiss her. She closed her eyes and waited for his kiss, but to her disappointment it never came.
    Quickly she was hoisted up by her waist, only to open her eyes to find James setting her down off to the side and out of his way. He walked past her and lifted a bridle off of a hook as if she had no effect on him. “Ye best hold yer tongue, lass. I have no tolerance for it,” he warned her.
    Abigale stood dumbfounded. As sure as the sky was blue he was going to kiss her, she knew it. She felt it. Why did he stop? Did I do something wrong ? She touched her lips and watched him walk over and grab the bridle like nothing had happened. This maddened her to no end. Threats and intimidation would not work on her; they only added fire to her fury. She had spent the last eight years surviving Abbess Margaret’s mercilessness. Now that she was free from her ruthless behavior, Abigale wouldn’t stand for the abuse.
    “Is that the way ye Highlanders talk to yer wives?” Abigale bit back. “If so, my Laird, I’m still no impressed.”
    James strode in front of Abigale holding her blue stare of ire. “Lass, let’s get one thing straight, I give the orders and ye are to obey.”
    Abigale felt her blood boil up to the tips of her ears as she grabbed her skirts to prevent herself from slapping him.
    “I didnae want a wife. ‘Tis best ye keep yer distance and do as yer told.” James broke their stare and began to saddle up a mount.
    Abigale didn’t know where her courage came from, but this man was not going to get the best

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