Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan

Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan by Herbert P. Bix Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan by Herbert P. Bix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Herbert P. Bix
Tags: General, History, Biography & Autobiography, World War II, Military
    â€œDraft Plan for Controlling the Crisis Situation” (Kido), 493
    Dulles, John Foster, 640–42, 644, 651
    Dutch East Indies, see Netherlands East Indies
    Eagleton, Clyde, 134
    East Asia Common Culture Society (Ta Dbunkai), 176
    East Asia League (T’A renmei), 540
    Education Ministry, Japanese, 31–32, 63, 201–2, 281, 283, 288, 290, 313, 314, 624, 659, 680
    Egi Tasuku, 160
    Egypt, 107, 454
    Eichelberger, Robert, 471
    Eisenhower, Dwight D., 662–63
    MacArthur’s “Secret” telegram to, 567–68
    Eisenhower administration, 660
    Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 650
    Embree, Ella, 281–82
    Embree, John, 281–82
    â€œEmperor’s Account of the Secret History of Shwa, The,” 589
    â€œemperor’s army” ( Kgun ), 154
    emperor theory:
    act of surrender in, 520–21
    ancestors in, 119–20
    Buddhism and, 164
    constitutional interpretation and, 77–78, 80–81
    country people and, 281–83
    cult of, 27–28
    education in, 58–59, 71–72
    emperor’s divinity in, 71–72, 281–83, 287; see also Hirohito, emperor of Japan, divinity of
    enthronement ritual in, 189
    extraconstitutional bodies and, 78–79
    German constitutional thought and, 79–80
    as ideology of militarism and fascism, 374
    imperial regalia in, 63, 73, 121–22
    kokutai debate and, 161–62, 253, 287
    line of succession and, 63
    as locus of sovereignty, 77–79
    Meiji as model for, 39–40, 80
    nationalism and, 4, 40
    nonresponsibility and nonaccountability of emperor in, 79, 291
    oath rituals in, 64–65, 80
    organ theory in, 77, 80, 208, 287–95
    in proposed film, 273–74
    race and, 11, 69–71
    religion and, 30, 57–58, 164, 283
    and right of supreme command, 290–91, 304
    rule theory and, 77
    as sacred and unviolable, 7–8
    Shinto mythology and, 283
    Shiratori’s history textbook and, 70–73
    sovereign-subject relationship in, 64–65, 70–71, 119–20
    state-monarchy relationship and, 77–78
    Sugiura’s lectures on, 64–70
    emperor worship, cult of, 202–3
    enthronement rituals:
    Ceremonies Commission and, 187–88
    and concept of Japan as hub of world, 200–201
    deification ceremony in, 191, 192–93
    Diet and, 186
    food-offering ceremony of, 192
    Hirohito-Meiji link and, 186
    Hirohito’s public address in, 191–92
    imperial image and, 189
    imperial procession in, 191
    imperial regalia and, 191
    kokutai -science relationship stressed in, 199–200
    in Korea, 190–91
    media and, 187–91, 193, 195
    and military activity in China, 187
    military reviews in, 193–94
    nationalism and, 224
    national morality and, 199
    prisoner amnesties and, 189–90
    secret rites in, 193
    thought control apparatus and, 187
    Era-Name Law, 679–80
    â€œEssentials for Implementing Administration in the Occupied Southern Area,” 434
    â€œEssentials of Peace Negotiations” ( wahei kshno yry ) (Konoe and Sakai), 510–11
    Ethiopia, 349
    EtGenkur, 287, 336
    European tour of 1921, 84, 95, 96, 99–100, 103–22, 173, 465
    British segment of, 106–7, 108, 110–11, 115–19
    and disavowal of emperor’s divinity, 119
    French segment of, 108–9
    Hara and, 99–100, 103, 104, 106, 110, 113, 114
    Hirohito’s behavior in, 114–15
    Hirohito’s grooming for, 105–6, 113
    Hirohito’s image and, 106–7, 112–13
    Italian segment of, 109–10
    itinerary of, 106, 108
    in Japanese press, 110–12, 114
    necessity for, 105
    opposition to, 103–4, 114
    outbound passage of, 107–8
    as public relations campaign, 110
    return voyage in, 110
    success of, 113–14, 117
    European tour of 1971, 672
    evolution, theory of, 60, 62
    â€œExplanatory Materials for the Emperor Concerning the War Situation,” 390
    Fall of Port Arthur, The, 210
    Far Eastern Army, Soviet, 259, 399
    Far Eastern Commission,

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