Queenie's Cafe

Queenie's Cafe by SUE FINEMAN Read Free Book Online

Book: Queenie's Cafe by SUE FINEMAN Read Free Book Online
Tags: General Fiction
    “My friends call me Earl, Laura. Did you find some carpet and vinyl for the café?”
    “Yes, I did. As soon as I can afford it, I’ll be back to get new carpet for the motel.”
    “Well, that’s nice to hear. We ’preciate your business.”
    “And I appreciate what you’re doing for me.”
    “It’s nothin’, honey. Just a little favor for an old friend.”
    Luke asked, “Ready for lunch, Laura?”
    “We’ll take my truck, if that’s all right with you.”
    They didn’t speak again until they were on their way down the highway. He said, “My mother had a little place like Queenie’s Café when I was a kid. She worked her butt off in that place for over twenty years.”
    “So did Queenie, only she was so nasty she chased all the customers away.”
    “I’m surprised she didn’t chase you away, too.”
    “She did.” Laura didn’t want to talk about Queenie with this guy. “Where are we going?”
    “West Palm Beach. I have a friend who runs a restaurant there. You’ll like it.”
    “I’m sure I will.” It was a long way to go for lunch, but he was paying, so she didn’t say anything.
    An hour later, Luke pulled into the parking lot of a classy brick restaurant called Bernie’s Place. Inside, someone yelled, “Hey, Luke. Long time no see.”
    “Bernie, this is Laura Whitfield. She owns a little café in Kingston.”
    “Is that right? Come to check out the competition?”
    She smiled at the friendly jibe. “It’s just a little greasy spoon, nothing like this. This is very nice.”
    “Well, thank you, Laura. Let’s see if we can find you a good table.”
    When they were settled and Bernie retreated to the kitchen, Laura asked, “Does he own this place?”
    “He has a partner, but Bernie runs it.”
    “Seems like a very nice man.”
    “He is. His partner provided the financing to get it up and running.”
    Laura played with the frost on her water glass. “It must be nice to have enough money to help someone else like that.”
    He leaned forward, a serious look on his face. “It’s an investment, Laura. Maybe you should think of getting yourself a partner.”
    “I don’t know anybody who would want to invest in my property. Frank Fosdick wouldn’t even consider it.”
    “That’s because he thought he could sell it to me.”
    The waitress brought water and talked with Luke and Laura for a few minutes. Luke ordered crab salad.
    Laura smiled. She’d always wanted to taste crab. Instead of looking at the menu, she said, “I’ll have what he’s having.”
    “You won’t be sorry, honey,” said the waitress. “It’s real good.”
    Laura looked around the restaurant, seeing details others wouldn’t be likely to notice. Tables were arranged for maximum privacy without wasting space, and she loved the little built-in places to tuck away high chairs and tray tables. “Nice layout. Did Bernie design this himself?”
    “He and his partner. Bernie ran another place before, but he didn’t get a piece of the profits like he does here.”
    “Maybe I should consider that when I get the café running again. I’ll need to hire someone to run it for me while I work on the motel.”
    “Consider what? Getting yourself a partner, or giving someone a share of the profits.”
    “As if I had any profits to share.” She’d be lucky to break even.
    “You’ll have profits. Bernie didn’t think it was likely at first, but he’s doing fine now.”
    The waitress brought their salads and a small loaf of hot bread to the table. “Enjoy your lunch.”
    Laura took a bite of her salad. “Mmm, I love this dressing.”
    “My mother’s recipe.”
    Something smelled a little fishy here, and it wasn’t just the crab. “What’s your connection to this place?”
    “Bernie is a good friend and... I’m the silent partner I told you about.”
    Laura gaped at him. “ You financed this place?” He wasn’t old enough to have that kind of money. Or was he? Frank

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