
His by Carolyn Faulkner Read Free Book Online

Book: His by Carolyn Faulkner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Faulkner
that she was going to get a lesson later about comportment, no doubt about it, and she didn't want to give him any sort of reason to punish her now, in front of the stranger instead of later, when they would be alone.
    He brought her next to the man's chair, not letting her shrink back behind him as she naturally wanted to. "Daniel, this is my Raina."
    To her horror, the man extended his hand to her, as if they were meeting in a board room instead of a situation where the smallest of them was stark naked.
    Raina was just as happy to let the man's hand die there on the vine, but her Master was not. "Raina!" came the sharp correction.
    She sighed, knowing that she'd just earned herself an even worse punishment whenever he decided to mete it out, so she forced herself to shake the man's hand, but released it quickly as if he'd stung her.
    She fidgeted nervously from one foot to the other, trying not to look at the stranger, as if doing so would prevent him from seeing her, despite the fact that he certainly didn't look in the least threatening and she knew that her Master would keep always keep her completely safe.
    The gentleman was older, probably in his fifties or sixties, Raina estimated. He wasn't fat but wasn't quite trim, and had a pleasant, rounded face that was surrounded by an immaculate white beard and mustache. He looked like Santa Claus without the belly. . if Santa Claus had a BDSM fetish.
    Raina found her wrists cuffed matter of factly, and then she was led over to the usual heavy oak table he'd installed in the den just for her. It wasn't padded like the one in their bedroom, but then she didn't usually spend as much time in the den with him as she did in the bedroom. He lifted her onto it, and touched her shoulder, indicating that she should lie back.
    To her great despair, the older man followed them, watching quite avidly as she was spread open, each wrist strapped to the top of a table leg, then her heels tucked close to her butt and ankles confined there, as well.
    The last part of her bondage was a loop of leather around each knee that pried them well apart, exposing all of her naughty bits to two sets of eager eyes. Raina could feel the blush cascade over her body, knowing that they could see it, too, with the help of the overhead light he flipped on that she knew illuminated every line and nearly every cavity she owned. She'd seen the pictures.
    Her eyes beseeched him to let her go, to cover her up - something, anything, so that she wasn't just lying there naked and splayed obscenely in front of a complete stranger. Although he'd met her eyes, and knew exactly what she wanted to ask but was too well trained to, he did nothing more than nod too her slightly and pat her skewed leg, offering no relief and precious little comfort.
    Raina closed her eyes, which was another violation to add to the ever growing pile. She wasn't going to be able to sit for a month once he got through with her. She was told just seconds later to open them again, and she knew from his tone he wasn't happy that she'd ignored her training.
    But she didn't have time to dwell on what she knew was coming, because the stranger was donning the same medical gloves her Master often used when he wanted to play a very nasty game of doctor with her. That was her Master, though, and this was a man she'd never seen before in her life who came to settle on a stool at the end of the table, directly in front of that part of her that was most private, even donning wire rimmed spectacles so that he could see that much better.
    Since there was no rule - yet - that she had to watch what was being done to her, Raina tried to fix her attentions on the ceiling, which unlike most spots where she found herself like this, there wasn't a mirror staring back at her. But that was nearly impossible. She was used to being inspected. He'd certainly done it to her often enough, but this was an entirely different matter.
    The man he'd called Daniel groped her gently,

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